
来源 :安徽师大学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoyuanhappy200
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新四军是抗日战争时期中国共产党领导下的一支人民的抗日武装。由于复杂的历史原因,它在建立初期的一段时间内,一直处于游击兵团的阶段。直到皖南事变后,通过加强部队的军政及后勤建设,才“由游击兵团提高到正规军团的阶段”。所谓游击兵团是相对于正规军团而言的概念,它是对部队在政治工作、军事建设,后勤制度等方面综合考察后确定的属性。皖南事变前的新四军在下述三个方面表现出游击兵团的特征。第一,政治工作方面,党性教育出现偏差。 1942年,黄克诚在报告中说:“特别我军(新四军)长期没有设立政治委员。”①由于这 The New Fourth Army was a people’s anti-Japanese armed unit under the leadership of the Communist Party of China during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Due to complex historical reasons, it has been in the stage of guerrilla regiment for some time during the initial period of its establishment. It was not until the incident of Southern Anhui that “it was the stage where the guerrilla corps was upgraded to a regular army” by strengthening the army’s military affairs and logistics. The so-called guerrilla corps is a concept relative to the regular corps. It is an attribute determined after a comprehensive inspection of the army in political work, military construction and logistics system. The New Fourth Forces before the Southern Anhui Incident showed the characteristics of the guerrillas in the following three aspects. First, there is a deviation in the education of party sex in political work. In 1942, Huang Kecheng said in his report: “The special army (the New Fourth Army) has not long established a political commission.” ① Because of this
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