来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kkndbz
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In a large-scale field of rotational fluid, various unintelligible and surprising dynamic phenomena are produced due to the effect of the Coriolis force. The lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) model in the Coriolis field is developed based on previous works.[1-4] Geophysical fluid dynamics equations are derived from the model. Numerical simulations have been made on an ideal atmospheric circulation of the Northe Hemisphere by using the model and they reproduce the Rossby wave motion well. Hence the applicability of the model is verified in both theory and experiment.
A method that allows one to control chaotic and hyperchaotic systems by a random proportional pulse feedbackof system variables is proposed. This method is illu
We report on a new experimental result to generate dark hollow beams by using a geometric optical method.We propose two new methods to produce focused and local
A simple model has been developed to describe the Zeeman pattes of far-infrared laser magnetic resonancespectra of the monobromomethyl radical CH2Br observed at
The Yb3+ laser emitting at a 1.03μm wavelength has been evoking strong interest recently due to its advantages of long fluorescence lifetime, broad absorption
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Ab initio calculations of the rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination (DR) of Co-like Ag and Ta ions are performed based on Cowan’s quasi-relativistic
In this paper, new explicit and exact travelling wave solutions for a compound KdV-Burgers equation are obtained by using the hyperbola function method and the
The results of the investigation on the space-charge limiting current for a spherical-cathode diode in the nonrelativistic situation are presented in this paper
Control of chaos by a delayed continuous feedback is studied experimentally in a gas discharge plasma. The power spectrum, the maximum of Lyapunov exponents and