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夏天是美丽的,她有着火一样的性格,热烈奔放;她有着山一般的品格,粗犷豪迈。她是四季中最热情的种子,在这阳光、雨露最充沛的季节,她赋予万物生长的力量,燃烧着自己,美丽了世界,展现着一种慷慨大度的奔放,体现了一种无私奉献的情怀。夏天的美丽,美在太阳。从黎明曙光初露,到正午艳阳高照,再到日偏西山,完美地体现了壮丽、灼烈、雄浑的境界。每当看着一轮红日从地平线上冉冉升起,一种壮怀激烈就在心中油然升腾。伴着朝阳,我气宇轩昂地走在上班的大道上,呼吸着清新而温暖的空气,美丽的太阳给我带来了最好的心情。中午时分,我仰望天空,夏日的太阳,像个燃烧的火球,火辣辣的日头照得人心儿亮堂堂,身子骨暖洋洋的。艳阳下,人们争先恐后地搬出被褥衣物,让骄阳晒晒,在这美丽的夏天,那些藏污纳垢的细菌病毒根本没有藏身之地。日暮时分,太阳偏西,夏天的太阳把美丽的色彩涂抹到一朵朵云彩上,晚霞变幻着多彩的颜色,把最后的一抹光亮和温暖,都无私地奉献给了大地。 Summer is beautiful, she has the same fire character, warm and imaginative; she has a mountain-like character, bold heroic. She is the most passionate seed of the four seasons. In this sunshine, the most rainy season, she empowers all things to grow, burn herself, and beautify the world, displaying a generous and unrestrained manifestation of a selfless dedication Feelings. Summer beauty, beauty in the sun. From the dawn of the dawn to dawn, the sunshine at noon, then to the western hills, the perfect embodiment of the magnificent, burning strong and powerful state. Whenever watching a red sun rising from the horizon, a strong heart rose in the heart. Accompanied by the sunrise, I am imposing enviroment to go to work on the road, breathing fresh and warm air, the beautiful sun brought me the best mood. At noon, I look up to the sky, summer sun, like a burning fireball, hot sun shines people heart brightly, body bones warm. Under the sunshine, people scrambling to move out of the bedding clothing, so that the sun sun, in this beautiful summer, those bacteria and viruses that contain dirt do not hide. At sundown, the sun west, the summer sun to the beautiful color smear to blossoming clouds, sunset changing colorful, the last touch of light and warm, are selflessly devoted to the earth.
用PCR方法获得了南方鲇(Silurus meridionalis)的线粒体基因组全序列,长度为16533bp,南方鲇线粒体基因组中A和T的含量略高((A+T)为55.17%),12S rRNA,16S rRNA,tRNA和控制区的
25年间笔者有幸到长白山数十次之多,其中,六月份去山上有两次。  早起赶上好天气,万里无云。听随行的气象局的同志说,上午山上赶上晴天,看天池要赶早。匆匆吃完早饭,我们就乘车直奔长白山天池。一路上,路两侧茂密的山林仿佛是一条绿色长廊,随着汽车飞快前行从我的眼前飞速掠过。车行20多分钟就过了长白山山门,继续沿着绿色长廊向长白山主峰驶去。约半小时行程,只见两边的树木愈来愈高大,森林愈来愈密。眺望长白山,
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