【摘 要】
【机 构】
Based on the diffusion drift equation, the back-illuminated solar-blind UV-AlxGa1-xN heterojunction pin photodiode and the visible blind GaN homojunction absorption region and the amplified region avalanche photodiode (SAM-APD) were modeled and simulated The photoelectric response characteristics and electrical parameters of the two detectors are good, and the results are in good agreement with the measured data and the reported data. The calculation also takes into account the actual situation of material preparation and device technology, and analyzes the influence of the parameters on the performance of the device. These results are instructive for analyzing the working mechanism of the device and extracting some parameters of interest.
前言光子晶体光纤(Photonic Crystal Fiber,简称:PCF)按导光机理可以分为两类:折射率导光机理和光子能隙导光机理。对折射率导光机理的PCF来说,其原理依然是全内反射,例如高
一年半以前,我经历了人生中最漫长的飞行。阳光、海岸、怒吼的西风带、在街上乱逛的狒狒……然后,我在开普敦度过了人生最幸福的三天,要是你知道和我朝夕相伴的是BMW 6 Serie
测试车型:上海大众斯柯达明锐1.4TSI DSG逸尊版沃尔沃XC90 2.5T北欧行政版大众的经典紧凑级车市场的竞争日益激烈,作为紧凑级车型中一名久经沙场的老将,明锐继续着它的低调小
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