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陈士榘是毛泽东的爱将之一。他追随毛泽东的足迹,参加了秋收起义、井冈山会师、长征、抗日战争和解放战争,成为我国历史上功勋卓著的将军。中华人民共和国成立后,陈士榘任华东军政大学副校长,中国人民解放军军事学院训练部部长、教育长,中国人民解放军工程兵司令员兼特种工程指挥部司令员、政治委员,中共中央军委顾问,1955年被授予上将军衔。在人民心目中,无疑,这是共和国历史上一位不凡的将军。然而,在他子女们的心目中,他究竟又是一个怎样的人?作家老鬼曾在《我的母亲杨沫》中真实地讲述了自己和母亲杨沫之间的恩恩怨怨,他如此总结对他母亲复杂的感情:“对她的美好,我恋她;对她的不美好,我恨她……我病危时拯救过我,我被打成反革命后,又帮助过我,使我爱她。可她不关心我,不把我当回事,还动不动就跟我断绝关系,让有人认为她不是我亲妈,深深地伤害了我,使我又恨她。”本文中,陈士榘之子陈人康也竭尽了作家老鬼的坦诚,向我们描述了一个鲜活而又有点不可理喻的将军形象——对妻子的绝情、对子女的冷酷无情、甚至于大义灭亲等等。陈人康说:“作为子女,我们没有资格也无法准确地评价他的过去,却可以如实地回忆,给后人一点启示,也使人们更全面地了解这位开国上将的不凡与局限。” Chen Shizhen is one of Mao Zedong’s love. Following Mao’s footsteps, he participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the Jinggangshan Guru, the Long March, the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, and became the most outstanding general in history in our country. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Chen Shixian served as Vice President of Huadong Military and Political University, Minister of Training Department of Military Academy of PLA, Education Director, Commander of Engineer Corps of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and Commander of Special Engineering Command, Political Committee, Adviser to the Central Military Commission of the CPC 1955 Was awarded the rank of general. In the eyes of the people, this is undoubtedly an extraordinary general in the history of the Republic. However, in the eyes of his children, what kind of person is he again? The author Laogui had a true account of his grievances and mistakes with his mother, Yang Mo, in My Mother Yang Mo, His mother’s complex feelings: “For her beauty, I love her; for her is not good, I hate her ... I saved me when critically ill, I was labeled a counter-revolution, but also helped me, so I love her But she does not care about me, does not take me seriously, and always breaks the relationship with me, so that some people think she is not my own mother, deeply hurt me, so I hate her. ”In this article, the son of Chen Shifu Chen Renkang also exhausted the author’s old devil’s frankness and described to us a vivid and somewhat unreasonable general image - unfeeling wives, ruthless children and even righteous kin. Chen said that “as a child, we are neither qualified nor able to accurately evaluate his past, but we can honestly recall and give some inspiration to future generations and also make people understand more completely the unusual and limited conditions of the founding general.”
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