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在金川公司龙首矿上,不论是老职工,还是青年矿工,一见面都喊他“水牛”矿长。工人们叫得亲切,他听得坦然。他本名叫陈欣色,1940年出生于广东省普宁县,属兔,本与牛无关。只因他一心扑在矿山事业上,30年来在那没有太阳和月亮的空间里,像牛一样不奢谈名利,不畏惧死亡,挖矿不止。牛的作风:奋蹄耕耘不辞劳苦1964年,在祖国万名优秀儿女为摘掉贫镍帽子艰苦奋战之时,陈欣色来到这荒凉的龙首山,并决心把自己的生命汇入为祖国镍钴工业奋战的洪流之中。他头顶矿灯,身裹工作服,揣着几个干馒头,钻巷道,攀悬梯,整天汗水满面,污水满身地同矿工们滚在一起,干在一块。从支护打眼,到放炮扒石,他无不抢在前头。一双细白柔嫩的手,在 In Jinchuan Dragon’s first mine, whether it is the old workers, or young miners, one shouted him “Buffalo ” mine manager. The workers were cordial, and he listened calmly. His name is Chen Xin color, was born in 1940 in Puning County, Guangdong Province, is a rabbit, the cow has nothing to do with. Only because he was bent on mine business, 30 years in the absence of space for the sun and the moon, like cattle, not talk about fame and fortune, fear of death, mining more than. Cow’s work style: work hard and work tirelessly In 1964, when thousands of elite children in the motherland worked hard to get rid of a nickel-poor hat, Chen Xin came to this desolate dragon mountain and decided to import his own life as The nickel-cobalt industry in the motherland is among the torrent. Miner above his head, body wrapped in overalls, Chuaizhe a few dry bread, drilling tunnels, climbing the ladder, sweat all day long, the sewage covered with the miners are rolling together, dry in one. From supporting the drilling, to blasting stone, he grabbed the front. A pair of delicate white hands, in
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Objective:To explore the anti-fatigue effect of Renshen Yangrong Decoction(人参养荣汤,RYD) in mice.Methods:One hundred Kunming mice were randomly divided into 5
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