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荷在中国传统的审美活动中占有不可低估的地位,它出淤泥而不染的高洁气质一直深深地影响着历代的文人墨客直至普通大众。那在夏风荷塘中婆娑起舞,泛着清香的荷着实让人心神摇荡。在花卉中,能象荷那样仁立远观,又能近视凝赏的确实不多。可一到秋天,那满塘的荷便在秋风中陨落直至老去,只剩一片潇瑟的风景。当我在这种季节独立荷塘边埂,在晚霞中欣赏那一段枯荷时,我经常为另一种美所感动。它们就如一张张饱经风霜的脸静静地躺在那儿,在它们上面记录的是逝去的时光。这种美是一种成熟的美,它需要时间的积淀,也正因此,它更需要你去细细品味,深深地思索。一次我和一位文学朋友 Lotus occupies an important position in China’s traditional aesthetic activities. Its silky, high-quality character has been deeply influencing the literati of ancient times to the general public. That in the summer wind Hawthorn whirling, filled with fragrance of the real people shake the mind. In the flowers, like the Netherlands, as stand-alone standpoint, but also really myopic enjoyment is not much. But in the autumn, it filled the pond in the fall of the fall until the old, leaving only a dash of landscape. When I was in this season independent pond side of the pond, in the sunset to enjoy that period of dry, I often touched by another kind of beauty. They lay silently like a weather-beaten face, on which they recorded the passage of time. This beauty is a mature beauty, it takes time to accumulate, and therefore, it also requires you to savor, deeply thinking. Once I and a literary friend
先说“薄意”这门雕刻艺术。  薄意是施于石印周面的种浅浮雕艺术。私人印章自明、清以后转为以石印为大宗,使秦、汉以来向以铜印为大宗的篆刻艺术,自此进入一个崭新的时期。有人说在某种意义上,这也可能与明、清文字狱遍布而考据复古之风勃兴,有 定的关系。因为篆刻艺术能在方寸之内集中体现文人士大夫的高古情趣,足以让他们在死去的篆书间缔造个千变万化的迷宫般世界,于是集书法、章法、刀法和文学、哲理等情趣于炉的篆
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