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Corel 公司的 WordPerfect Suite 8,按计划将在1997年第二季度推出,它具有重新设计的用户界面、改进的帮助系统,并吸收了 MMX 处理器的优势。通过初步测试,ZD 实验室发现WordPerfect Suite 8的性能简洁,但界面显得有些零乱。它分为标准版和专业版,其中专业版中包含 Paradox 8数据库。PIM(Personal Information Manager,个人信息管理器)可以通过地址薄将用户与 Internet 连接,用户可以使用 Corel 公司的Barista 技术向 Web 发布报表。专业版中包括 Netscape 公司的Communicator,它可以与 CorelCentral 协同工作,这样用户可以通过 Internet 互相发送 E-mail。PIM 还可以连接日历项和地址簿入口。Corel 公司的官员称,WordPerfect 的改进还包括增加更便利的创建图表的工具、版本控制等等。新的图画工具将为字处理应用程序增加图形功能。Corel 计划在该套件中加入 Web.Site Builder应用程序,它允许用户在库中选择预置的部件以最快的速度建立Web 页面。该应用程序还包括 Web 站点管理工具,用来在向Internet 发布站点之前和之后对 Web 站点进行组织和管理 Corel’s WordPerfect Suite 8, scheduled to be launched in the second quarter of 1997, features a redesigned user interface, an improved help system, and the benefits of the MMX processor. Through preliminary tests, ZD Labs found that the performance of WordPerfect Suite 8 was simple, but the interface appeared somewhat messy. It is divided into Standard Edition and Professional Edition, and Paradox 8 database is included in the Professional Edition. PIM (Personal Information Manager) can connect users to the Internet through the address book, and users can use Corel’s Barista technology to publish reports to the Web. The Professional Edition includes Netscape’s Communicator, which works with CorelCentral so that users can send E-mails to each other over the Internet. PIM can also connect calendar entries and address book entries. Officials at Corel stated that WordPerfect’s improvements also include more convenient tools for creating charts, version control, and more. New drawing tools will add graphics capabilities to word processing applications. Corel plans to include the Web.Site Builder application in the suite, which allows users to select preset components in the library to create Web pages as quickly as possible. The application also includes Web site management tools to organize and manage Web sites before and after publishing sites to the Internet
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