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为羊水过少、胎膜早破患者补充羊水量,降低剖宫产率,提高围产儿存活率,采用静脉留置针在B超监测下经腹穿刺于羊膜腔内,滴注林格氏液。羊水过少组(简称治疗Ⅰ组)30例,对照Ⅰ组23例;胎膜早破组(简称治疗Ⅱ组)36例,对照Ⅱ组 30例、羊水过少者当滴注至羊水指数上升≥10 cm时,停止滴注;胎膜早破合并早产未临产者,保留针套,间歇滴注至72 h,结束分娩。胎膜早破已临产者维持滴注直至分娩。结果:两组病例经治疗者剖宫产率明显降低,治疗Ⅰ、Ⅱ组分别为53.3%(16/30),8.3%(3/30).与对照Ⅰ、Ⅱ组91.3%(21/23),90%(27/30)比较,有极显著意义(P<0. 01)。产褥病率下降,治疗组与对照组比较,有显著意义( P<0. 05)、胎膜早破合并早产(28~34周)者治疗11例,无1例围产儿死亡,对照组10例,围产儿死亡4例,两者比较有显著意义( P <0. 05)。提示:采用静脉留置计经腹穿刺羊膜腔内滴注林格氏液治疗羊水过少、胎膜早破效果满意、操作简便安全、无菌性强,值得临床推广。 To oligohydramnios, premature rupture of membranes in patients with amniotic fluid supplement, reduce the rate of cesarean section and improve perinatal survival rate, the use of intravenous catheter needle in the B-ultrasound abdominal puncture in the amniotic cavity, infusion of Ringer’s solution. 30 cases of oligohydramnios (referred to as treatment group Ⅰ), 23 cases of control group Ⅰ; 36 cases of premature rupture of membranes group (referred to as treatment group Ⅱ), 30 cases of control group Ⅱ, oligohydramnios when instillation to amniotic fluid index increased ≥ 10 cm, stop drip; premature rupture of membranes combined with preterm labor without labor, retention needle sets, intermittent infusion to 72 h, the end of childbirth. Premature rupture of membranes have been instilled infusion until the childbirth. Results: The rate of cesarean section in the two groups of patients was significantly lower than that in the two groups (53.3% (16/30) and 8.3% (3/30) respectively). Compared with the control Ⅰ, Ⅱ group 91.3% (21/23), 90% (27/30), a very significant (P <0.01). (P <0.05), premature rupture of membranes combined with premature delivery (28-34 weeks) were treated in 11 cases, no one perinatal death, the control group 10 cases, 4 cases of perinatal death, the two have more significant (P <0. 05). Tip: The intravenous catheter ablation of amniotic fluid in the amniotic fluid injection of Ringer’s too little amniotic fluid, premature rupture of membranes satisfactory results, easy to operate safe, sterile and worthy of clinical promotion.
为探讨术中肠肌电图法(EMG)对肠活力的评价作用,将32只家兔随机分为4组,选取10 cm长末端小肠制成肠袢肠缺血模型,分别造成缺血1、2、3和4 h.双极银电极记录缺血前(a)、缺血末
拍摄地点:广西,红岩村INFO:Canon EOS-1D Mark IV,f/8,1/50s,ISO-50八桂森林摄影比赛一等奖青瓦上的朗山秀水,白墙间的鸡犬相闻,拼凑成今时今日的红岩印象。2003年以来,“产
为探讨pH电极位置对反流性食管炎酸监测的影响,将60例反流性食管炎随机分为对照(C)组和试验(T)组.C组30例用测压法将pH电极置于下食管括约肌(LES)上缘5 cm处;T组30例用pH梯度
采用Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-Cl8(5μm,150×4.6 mm i.d)色谱柱,以甲醇:水(醋酸0.5%)溶液(38:62,V/V)为流动相,检测波长260 nm,在同一色谱条件下测定175 g/L双氟·唑嘧胺
炎症性肠病(Inflammatory bowel disease,IBD)的病因与发病机制至今尚不清楚,可能与机体免疫反应异常有关,通过近年研究,人们已逐渐认识到细胞因子与IBD密切相关,细胞因子是指机体的免疫细胞、非免疫细胞合成和分泌
由于内镜技术的进步,结合超声装置的小探头超声内镜MPS(Miniprobe Endosonography)开辟了消化系统疾病研究的新领域.它既有内镜直观,可行活检进行病理诊断的优点,又具备超声
活动期溃疡性结肠炎是治疗棘手的一种肠道疾病,我们采用小剂量地塞米松、思密达粉联合灌肠治疗,取得了满意的近期疗效,特报道如下。1材料与方法1.1 临床资料选择符合1993年太原召开的全