Oversampling analysis in fractional Fourier domain

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfm1999
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Oversampling is widely used in practical applications of digital signal processing. As the fractional Fourier transform has been developed and applied in signal processing fields, it is necessary to consider the oversampling theorem in the fractional Fourier domain. In this paper, the oversampling theorem in the fractional Fourier domain is analyzed. The fractional Fourier spectral relation between the original oversampled sequence and its subsequences is derived first, and then the expression for exact reconstruction of the missing samples in terms of the subsequences is obtained. Moreover, by taking a chirp signal as an example, it is shown that, reconstruction of the missing samples in the oversampled signal is suitable in the fractional Fourier domain for the signal whose time-frequency distribution has the minimum support in the fractional Fourier domain. Oversampling is widely used in practical applications of digital signal processing. As the fractional Fourier transform has been developed and applied in signal processing fields, it is necessary to consider the oversampling theorem in the fractional Fourier domain. In this paper, the oversampling theorem in the fractional Fourier spectral relation between the original oversampled sequence and its subsequences is derived first, and then the expression for exact reconstruction of the missing samples in terms of the subsequences is..., by taking a chirp signal as an example, it is shown that, reconstruction of the missing samples in the oversampled signal is suitable in the fractional Fourier domain for the signal whose time-frequency distribution has the minimum support in the fractional Fourier domain.
作为已在埃塞俄比亚担任一年多大使的解晓岩来说,促进中埃双边经贸合作是他作为大使的重要工作之一  2013年6月底,解晓岩大使从埃塞俄比亚回到北京休假并述职,期间参加了国家行政学院举办的为期十天的高级外交官培训班。这次培训班有着不同以往的亮点,就是安排一次两个培训班合班上课——国企班和外交官班的学员们坐在一个大教室中,探讨“国企走出去面临的机遇与挑战”。今年59岁的解晓岩大使,穿着一件浅色的朴素T恤