
来源 :成人教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzhidanxu
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“中国妇女是一种伟大的人力资源”,只有抓住青壮年妇女的文化技术素质的提高,才能充分挖掘这种资源。农村妇女科学文化素质提高之日,就是我国农村经济繁荣之时。台安县城郊乡陆家村妇女,通过学文化学技术,参与商品生产的实际,就完全说明了这个问题。这个村妇女劳力404名,占全村劳动力的55%。其中文盲半文盲98人,小学文化程度223人,初中以上文化程度74人。绝大多数妇女劳力,由于文化素质低,掌握不了先进的生产技术、不懂科学管理,经济作物种不了,粮食产量更不高,养猪出栏少,养鸡产蛋小,致富门路找不到。随着家庭联户承包责任制的落实,农村的产业结构发生了很大的变化,有相当一部分男劳力,逐步转到第二和第三产业,广大妇女劳力,逐渐走上了农业生产的第一线,参加农业生产的人数由原来的100人发展到 "Chinese women are a great human resource. Only by grasping the improvement of the cultural and technical qualities of young and middle-aged women can we fully tap this resource. As the day when the rural women’s scientific and cultural qualities rise, it is the time when the rural economy of our country is prospering. Women in Lujia Village, Chengjiao Township, Taian County fully explain this problem through the study of culture and technology and their participation in the actual production of commodities. 404 laborers in this village, accounting for 55% of the village’s workforce. Among them, 98 are illiterate and semi-literate, 223 have primary school education, and 74 have junior high school education or above. The vast majority of women laborers, unable to master advanced production techniques, scientific management, economic crops, less advanced grain production, less slaughter of pigs, less poultry production and less access to wealth because of their low educational level . With the implementation of the household contractual responsibility system, the industrial structure in rural areas has undergone great changes. A considerable part of male labor force has gradually shifted to the secondary and tertiary industries. The majority of women labor force gradually took the lead in agricultural production In the first place, the number of people participating in agricultural production has grown from 100 to 100
摘 要:21世纪以来,创造教育已经成为全球教育的主旋律,目前国内外对创造力培养的研究比较多,但是还没有专门对市场营销专业学生创造力的培养研究,本文通过对企业、毕业生和在校学生三个方面进行调查,对市场营销专业学生创造力的需求情况,以及培养创造力的课程体系的设置进行研究,提出培养市场营销专业创造力的对策。  关键词:创造力;创造力培养;市场营销  1.前言  近年来,随着科技的迅猛发展,企业产业结构的
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1999年10月17日,吉林省公主岭市出现了该省第一家民间消防队。 公主岭市范家屯经济开发区有一处国家粮食储备库、两个粮库、四处易燃易爆库,还有九个加油站点。由于开发区距
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信息产业部电信管理局日前召开“电信服务监督与用户申诉处理工作研讨会”, 研究部署“电信服务年”有关工作,对于即将发布的《电信用户申诉立案标准》、《关于规范业务推广