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和一个朋友聊天随便说起打算做一期有关DV的内容,她脱口而出“噢,地下电影”,看着她满是叹号和问号的脸,我也不知道用什么简单明了的回答去否定这显然不准确的表达。DV是DigitalVideo的缩写,明白简单地说就是数字摄像机。首先,DV是机器,是科技产品。九十年代初在中国出现的“掌中宝”摄像机是DV的前辈,等DV的名称出现时,就是从模拟技术转到数字技术了,打个比喻就像基因变异。再往深了说关涉一些物理学上的问题,如:模拟技术是从光波转化成磁波再变成影像,数字技术是数字成像,等等。但对使用者来说,这些都已无关实际操作。总之,它的基本功用是记录。其次,DV是大众的消费产品。每个旅游景点都能看见游客手中拿着DV到处拍摄,它和照相机的差别仅是镜头中的人是不是活动的。再次,DV才是文艺青年的宠物,是可以低成本投入、高效率使用的工具,尤其被用在影像作品的制作中,就成了这类作品的代名词,也所以才有了跟艺术沾边儿的名份。有人说,换个环境和时代,文艺青年应该去写诗、游行、唱摇滚、耍把势、离家出走、搞社会调查,如今是玩起了DV,没准儿,过两年觉得没意思,又回过头去写小说了。但我想,肯定还是有那么一群人把它当作通往理想的天梯,至少在一定的时段内,是用情地对待它,而不仅仅把它当作标榜自己的时尚符号 Chatting with a friend casually talking about intends to do a DV content, she blurted out “Oh, underground movie”, watching her face full of exclamation marks and question marks, I do not know what is simple and clear answer to deny this obviously Inaccurate expression. DV is an acronym for DigitalVideo, to understand that in simple terms is a digital video camera. First of all, DV is a machine, is a technology product. Appeared in China in the early nineties “palm treasure” camera is DV predecessors, DV name appears, it is from analog technology to digital technology, a metaphor is like a genetic mutation. Go deeper and talk about some physics problems, such as: analog technology is converted from light waves into magnetic waves and then into images, digital technology is digital imaging, and so on. But for the user, these have nothing to do with the actual operation. In short, its basic function is to record. Second, DV is a mass consumer product. Tourists can see every tourist attraction holding DV shooting in the hand, it is the difference between the camera and the camera is not active. Thirdly, DV is a pet for young artists. It is a tool that can be used at low cost and high efficiency. Especially when it is used in the production of video works, DV has become synonymous with such works. Of the name. Some people say that in other contexts and times, literary and art youths should go to write poems, parades, sing rock and roll, take turns, run away from home and engage in social investigations. Now they are playing DVs. Maybe two years later they feel boring. Too much to write a novel. But I think, surely there is still a group of people who use it as a gateway to the ideal, at least for a certain period of time, treating it affectionately, not just as a symbol of fashion
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