
来源 :口腔医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w_h1983
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近年来在口腔医学领域里新兴拓展起来的人工种植牙越来越广泛的应用于临床 ,在种植体植入愈合过程中 ,制作永久性义齿之前需要进行临时性的义齿替代 ,使种值体在不受任何外力的影响下逐渐达到与颌骨整合的状态 ,我们根据临时性全冠的修复要求 ,利用了粘结性能较强的光敏复合树脂即刻修复义齿 ,增强种植体在永久义齿修复前的固位性 ,促使软硬组织愈合良好 ,在操作中注意临时全冠修复的颈缘与牙齿应保留间隙 ,并保持适当的咬间隙尽量减少了人工种植牙在正中 ,非正中的早接触 ,避免创伤影响人工种植牙与骨的整合 ,同时解决了患者美观 ,发音功能的要求不受影响 ,光敏复合树脂能和酸蚀处理后牙面牢固的粘接 ,能与牙釉质起化学粘接 ,使义齿能牢固地粘接在两侧健康的牙齿上 ,促进种植牙根在无任何外力情况下与周围骨组织结合 ,为 6个月后永久义齿的修复创造良好的条件 . In recent years, the field of dental medicine emerging newly expanded artificial dental implant more and more widely used in clinical implant healing process, the production of permanent dentures before the need for temporary denture replacement, the species value in the Under the influence of any external force, it gradually reaches the state of integrating with the jawbone. Based on the temporary crown restoration requirements, the photosensitive composite resin with strong adhesive property is used to repair the denture immediately to reinforce the implant before the permanent denture is repaired Retention, prompting the healing of soft and hard tissue, pay attention to the operation of the temporary crown and cervical margin of the tooth should keep the gap, and maintain proper bite clearance to minimize the artificial implant in the median, non-median  early contact , To avoid the trauma of artificial implants and bone integration, while addressing the patient's aesthetics, the pronunciation of the functional requirements are not affected, photosensitive composite resin and acid etching can be firmly bonded to the tooth surface, with enamel chemical bonding , So that the denture can be firmly bonded to the healthy teeth on both sides and promote the implant root without any external force and the surrounding bone tissue for 6 months Permanent denture repair and create good conditions.
人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《语文》(七年级下册)中,有几处值得商榷,现逐一分析如下:  1.第4课《诗两首》中第二首《未选择的路》第一节第三行:我在那路口久久伫立。  分析:“伫立”的意思是长时间地站立,本身就有“很久”的意思,所以前面的“久久”纯属多余、累赘,应删去;或者把“久久”改为“静静”。  2.第9课《土地的誓言》阅读提示第一句:1941年9月18日,九一八事变已经过去了整整十年,
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目的:训练宝宝的观察能力。玩法:长颈鹿和小山羊在公园里散步,请宝宝说出公园里两棵树哪棵大哪棵小,长颈鹿和小山羊谁高谁矮,两条道路哪条长哪条短。指导宝宝观察比较。 Ob
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品牌(brand)一词来源于古挪威文 字brandr,它的中文意思是“烙印”。在 当时,西方游牧部落在马背上打上烙印, 以区分不同部落之间的财产,上面写着 一句话:不许动,它是我的,并