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  "I'm surprised that there is such a beautiful city in Western China, which is as prosperous as New York. I look forward to visiting more places of Chongqing in my next trip." On June 8, 2021, Teodoro Locsin, Foreign Minister of the Philippines, came to Chongqing to attend the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Dialogue Relations and commended the development of the city.
  From June 7 to 8, during the trip to Chongqing, Philippine Foreign Minister Teodoro Locsin, Lao Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's adviser PRAK Phalla, and Mang Hau Thang, Deputy Director of Asia Department, Myanmar Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor and the Multi-modal Demonstration Base of Chongqing Guoyuan Port, a key port hub in the upper reaches of Yangtze River.
  General secretary Xi Jinping attached great importance to the cooperation with ASEAN countries, and pointed out that on the basis of New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, we should strengthen the infrastructure interconnectivity and cooperation, and actively build the China ASEAN Multimodal Transport Alliance. Chongqing boasts obvious regional advantages in economic and trade cooperation with ASEAN, and its pivotal role in promoting the construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor is becoming more and more prominent.   Chongqing, as the starting point of the four-way channel from east to west, north to south, stretches eastward along the golden waterway of the Yangtze River to the sea after reaching Shanghai; to the west, the China-Europe Railway Express leaves the boarder at Xinjiang and finally arrives in Duisburg, Germany; to the north, the Chongqing-Manchuria-Russia block train arrived in Europe via Russia; to the south, through rail-sea transport and cross-border road transport, it is connected to ASEAN.
  Taking Chongqing as the starting point, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor connects ASEAN countries via exit ports and sea ports such as Ruili, Mohan, Pingxiang, Qinzhou of China by means of railway, highway, waterway and other transportation modes, realizing the seamless connection of the "belt" and "road" physically. At the same time, we will work together to connect the China-Europe Railway Express and the golden waterway of the Yangtze River, build a new Eurasian Continental Bridge, promote the economic development of China and ASEAN, forge a new economic corridor between land and sea, and promote the circular development of international economy.
  After four years, the rapid development of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has greatly facilitated the development of international economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN. From 1022 TEU in 2017 to 25408 TEU in 2020, the number of influenced ports expanded from 22 in 2017 to 56 in 2020, and the number of cargo categories surged from 25 to 211. The development of the corridor has also galvanized the growth of trade volume. The trade volume between Chongqing and ASEAN has added from 79.4 billion yuan in 2017 to 112.1 billion yuan in 2020.
  The New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor fully serves the "introduction" of ASEAN's characteristic commodities, such as the original containers of Basa catfish and dragon fruit via dedicated cold chain train from Vietnam, sunflower seed oil and frozen original unpeeled durian, etc. from Malyasia. At the same time, we will serve the "going global" of domestic products, launch ASEAN customized block trains, and realize the convenient arrival of Qingling, Sokon and other "Chongqing-made" automotive products to ASEAN countries.
  In order to further enhance the overseas service capacity, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor has established overseas distribution warehouses in Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and other ASEAN regions, and is stepping up efforts to promote the establishment of overseas distribution warehouses in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and other places.
  Lao Foreign Minister Saleumxay Kommasith expressed gratitude for the visit to Guoyuan port and applauded the trip to Chongqing. Mr. Mang Hau Thang, Deputy Director of Asia Department, Myanmar Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that he is willing to render strong support to the joint construction of the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, especially playing the role of enterprises.
  Source /WeChat public account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs
2021年6月7日至8日,东盟国家外长齐聚重庆,纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年。记者采访了北京外国语大学亚洲学院副教授宋清润,他巧妙地用重庆美食火锅,来比喻这场“热辣”外交,解读中国和东盟这30年的合作发展历程—  (宋清润:这一次是东盟外长齐聚重庆,可以说集聚一堂。)  中国国务委员兼外长王毅与东盟外长会面时说,“很高兴在中国著名的山城重庆和老朋友在此见面。”重庆对于中国—东盟合作来讲是一个
2021年6月7日至8日,中國和东盟国家的外长们共聚一堂,在重庆召开了一场“特别”的外长会议。如何看待这次会议的“特殊”之处呢?记者决定现场探寻一番。  在多场会议中,外长们多次提到了疫情这个大背景。意外的是,很多人都不是新冠肺炎疫情期间第一次与我们会面。印度尼西亚外交部长蕾特诺说:“这是我第三次在疫情期间来到中国。”  “特别”的时间点,11国代表面对面齐聚一堂。  中国国务委员兼外交部长王毅表
2021年6月7日至8日,纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会和澜沧江—湄公河合作第六次外长会在重庆举行,开启了重庆与东盟、湄公河国家交往合作的新篇章。  近年来,国际陆海贸易新通道这条中国—东盟物流经贸大动脉,助力重庆全面拓展深化与东盟、湄公河国家的经贸合作,东盟已成为重庆目前最大的贸易伙伴。来自重庆海关的数据显示,今年前5个月,重庆对东盟进出口495.5亿元,增长23.9%,态势良好。
      摘要:随着电子商务的发展,垃圾邮件的治理问题日益严峻。网络信任机制缺失、电子邮件的开放性标准以及低成本性是垃圾邮件产生的主要原因。垃圾邮件侵犯了消费者的财产权、隐私权以及自主选择权等基本权利,给消费者造成了很大困扰。美国、欧盟、OECD、ICPEN等国家和国际组织在垃圾邮件法律规制方面有很多先进的经验值得借鉴,我国应当制定较高层次的法律法规对垃圾邮件进行全面有效的规制,并采纳
今年是中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年,正所谓“三十而立”,对双方关系具有承上启下、继往开来的特殊意义。中国国务委员兼外长王毅表示,中国与大多数东盟国家在双边层面已建立全面战略伙伴关系,在此基础上,双方可探讨将中国东盟关系提升为全面战略伙伴。  6月7日,纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会在重庆举行。王毅和中国—东盟关系协调国菲律宾外长洛钦共同主持,东盟其他成员国外长和东盟秘书长出席。东盟
2021年6月8日,澜沧江—湄公河合作第六次外长会在重庆举行。国务委员兼外长王毅和缅甸外长温纳貌伦作为共同主席主持会议,老挝外长沙伦赛、柬埔寨副首相兼外交大臣布拉索昆、泰国副总理兼外长敦、越南外长裴青山出席。会议围绕“团结战胜疫情,共促疫后发展”主题,回顾了澜湄合作进展,总结了5年来有益经验,规划了下阶段合作重点。  王毅表示,一江连六国。澜湄合作因水而生,因江而兴。5年来,澜湄合作扬帆起航,不断
摘要:以丽江古城、大理古城和香格里拉古城的民居客栈的发展为例,从古城环境、住宿、交通、餐饮、娱乐、购物几方面进行了游客满意度的对比分析,针对目前存在的突出问题,提出了改善交通条件、提升服务质量、提供特色餐饮、三地协同发展等建议。  关键词:滇西北三地;民居客栈;游客满意度  中图分类号:F590.65文献标识码:A文章编号:16738268(2012)04011607  一、民居客栈研究综述  随