An Exploration of the Paths for Inheriting Ethnic Culture in School Education---Taking the School Ed

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The Qiang are one of the most ancient ethnic groups in China,whose rich culture is an important part of Chinese culture.Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, Sichuan is a unique Qiang Autonomous County in China,which has an exceptional foundation for transmitting Qiang ethnic culture through school education,no matter whether we speak of its location,talents,policies,or knowl-edge.The transmission of ethnic culture must ad-here to objective laws of cultural development, and,moreoever,the concern for cultural inheritance cannot just be superficial,but should enter and dig deeply into the richness of the content of ethnic culture.This article suggests that in order to trans-mit Qiang culture effectively through school educa-tion in the Qiang areas,the strength of government, school,parents,students and ordinary people should be mobilized.Practical ways to do this include:1 ) The government plays the leading role,and ensures the transmisstion of Qiang culture in school educa-tion;2 ) The schools pay attention to cultural trans-mission and provide space for this work;3 ) The teachers participate actively and provide the“knowledge” needed for transmitting Qiang culture in the schools;4 ) The parents and students give their understanding to these actions, and sweep a-way barriers for transmitting cultural traditions in the schools;5 ) The ordinary people provide support for transmitting Qiang cultural traditions in the schools;and 6 ) The media publicizes this work widely,and provides a voice ” for the transmission of Qiang cultural traditions.
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