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[参考译文]争议 1999年春天,先进细胞技术公司的新三巨头开始讨论如何开展现代医学界最有争议的研究。兰扎回忆说:“我们料到肯定会有非议,但没想到会有那么激烈的反应。”接下来的两年中,他们被称作“疯狂科学家”、“婴儿杀手”、“怪物”;他们被列入网上反堕胎组织的“暗杀”名单;联邦调查局警告他们会有生命危险;保守派要求众议院通过法案,宣布他们是联邦罪犯,可判10年徒刑和处以100万美元罚款。 Controversy In the spring of 1999, the new Big Three of Advanced Cell Technologies began discussing how to conduct the most controversial research in the modern medical community. Lanza recalled: “We expect there will be criticism, but I did not expect that there will be such a fierce reaction.” In the next two years, they were called “crazy scientists” and “baby killer.” “,” “monsters”; they were listed on the “anti-abortion” online “assassination” list; the FBI warned them of life-threatening; the conservatives asked the House of Representatives to pass a bill, declare them federal criminals, can be sentenced to 10 Years of imprisonment and a fine of 1 million US dollars.
Bill Jones may well be called the cham-pion optimist. He was sitting on the roof ofhis house during a flood, watching the wa-ter flow past, when the neighbor w
I am a girl good at dreaming. I have had many sweet dreams.When I was five or six years old, I dreamed of becoming a mother who gave love to others just as my m
Reporter: We are delighted to be given an opportunity to interview Madam Huang when China Expo Forum for International Cooperation (CEFCO) is approaching. Mayor
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1. Old Mac lives alone. His house has a very big yard. There is a pool in the yard. Many children live near Mac. 老麦克独自生活着,他房前有一个很大的院子。院子