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梁山县科技兴农110研究所在山东省农科院及有关科研单位的帮助指导下,经多年的试种和筛选,选出一个适合春夏秋三季种植的胡萝卜良种——梁引1号。清明至立秋间播种,播后90天采收,亩产一万公斤。可实现同块地一年两种两收,年产可达两万公斤,差季收获效益显著,现就其高产栽培技术简介如下: (1)施肥整地胡萝卜适合沙壤土和壤土,淤土地应多施土杂肥后方可种植,胡萝卜喜钾好磷,应多施钾、中施磷、酌施氮,每亩具体施量为:硫酸钾(不宜施氯化钾以免影响食味和产量)30—50公斤,过磷酸钙(不宜施钙镁磷)15—25公斤,尿素视情况可少施或不施,最多不应超过10公斤,以防徒长,犁地深度不可少于20cm,犁细犁匀,犁时沟施硫酸钾过磷酸钙总量的三分之一,犁好后普施三分之二耙平耙细耙匀待播。(2)播种不宜撒播,按20cm一行起沟条播,覆土 Under the guidance of the help of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and relevant scientific research units, Liangshou County Science and Technology Xingnong 110 Institute selected a suitable carrion variety - Liang Yin No.1 for planting in spring, summer and autumn after years of trial planting and screening. Sowing from the Ching Ming to the beginning of autumn, harvesting 90 days after sowing, 10,000 kg per mu. Can achieve the same block year two kinds of two income, with an annual output of up to 20,000 kilograms, the difference harvest significant benefits, is now on its high-yielding cultivation techniques are as follows: (1) soil preparation carrots suitable sandy loam and loam soil should be more Potash fertilizers can be planted after planting, carrot hi potassium phosphorus should be more potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, the specific amount per acre: potassium sulfate (potassium chloride should not be applied so as not to affect the taste and yield) 50 kg, superphosphate (not suitable for calcium magnesium phosphate) 15-25 kg, urea, depending on the situation may be less or not Shi, up to not more than 10 kg, to prevent leggy, plow depth of not less than 20cm, plow plow Uniform, plow ditch Shi SSP Sputum one-third of the total, two-thirds of the general plowing rake flat harrow fine Harrow uniform broadcast. (2) Seeding should not be sowed, according to 20cm line gutter sowing, soil cover
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