Uptake and Clearance of Diazinon in Different Tissues of the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla L.)

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Acute toxicity cffeets of diazinon on European cel (Anguilla anguilla ) was cxamined using short -term exposures in static conditions . The LC50 values were 0. 16. 0, 11, 0.09 and0.08 mg/l al 24. 48. 72 and 96 h exposure . respeclivcly. In additio the cels were exposedio 0.042 mg/ l of diazinon and bioaccumulation and clearance processcs of this insccticidein liver, muscle and gill tissties were studred . Bioconcentration factor (BCF ) of diazinonovcr 96 h cxposure Period was 1850 in livcr, 875 in gill and 775 in musele tissuc. Diazinoncliminalion from the sclccled lissucs was rapid. The excretion ratc constants of thisinsccticidc werc 0.108 h : for Iivcr, 0.055 h for gill and 0.016 h for muscle. Diazinonhalf-lives werc calculatcd as 16.6, 33.2 and 27 h tbr liver, musele and gill , respectively.Diazinon showed rclativcly short half lives in eel tissues. Acute toxicity c of diazinon on European cel (Anguilla anguilla) was cxamined using short-term exposures in static conditions. The LC50 values ​​were 0. 16. 0, 11, 0.09 and 0.08 mg / l al 24. 48. 72 and 96 h exposure. respeclivcly. In additio the cels were exposedio 0.042 mg / l of diazinon and bioaccumulation and clearance processcs of this insccticidein liver, muscle and gill tissties were studred. Bioconcentration factor (BCF) of diazinonovcr 96 h cxposure Period was 1850 in livcr, Diazinonhalid-lives werc calculatcd as 16.6, 33.2 and 875 in gill and 775 in musele tissuc. Diazinon climinalion from the sclccled lissucs was rapid. The excretion rat constants of this insccticidc werc 0.108 h: for Iivcr, 0.055 h for gill and 0.016 h for muscle. 27 h tbr liver, musele and gill, respectively. Diazinon showed rclativcly short half lives in eel tissues.
On September 22,2013,Chen Lvsheng Art Museum was opened in Changzhou,Jiangsu Province,China.Chen Lvsheng Art Museum is named after Chen Lvsheng,a famous art his
说到这个世界上的生物,你的第一反应是什么?是不是非常绚烂多姿、非常多样?在这个星球上,可能生存着超过1000万个物种,这比一个小国的人口数量还多!而我们只认识了其中的124万种,没有发现的生物还有很多,所以,总会时不时地有一些让我们相当惊奇的生物进入我们的视野中,而它们往往是伴随着我们对世界的探索而出现的。  神奇的新大陆  15世纪,欧洲的大航海拉开了地理大发现的序幕,航海家和随船的博物学家们到
要建立专业数据库 ,提高稿件查询速度 ,实现计算机管理 ,缩短稿件处理时间……作为一位主编 ,尤其是科技期刊的主编 ,总会为此而发愁…… ,不过 ,现在这一切都可迎刃而解了 ,
2013年,英超豪门阿森纳足球俱乐部的官方网站发布了一部短片,纪念一位越南的“Running Man”(奔跑者)。片头是:每一个故事里都有一个英雄,在这一次的旅途中,英雄出现了——The Running Man。  短片一经发布,这位越南球迷即刻风靡全球。  发布前一天,阿森纳队刚刚抵达越南。作为一支英超球队,此番访问越南尚属首次。因此,他们一到,立即引起了轰动。一群狂热的球迷一路奔跑,追赶着偶像
2012,终于来了。  没有天降陨石,没有地裂山火,更没有反转地球。  我们仍怀着一份辞旧迎新的期盼。买年货,渡春运,轻轻松松把年过。  2012,我们探索着玛雅预言的真伪,沿袭着传统节日的欢庆。还不忘开创属于新纪元的新玩法。  2012,就让我们放轻松,从第一天起。扎扎实实地过好每一天。  让心情轻松一下  假期免不了聚会,聚会当然也要玩出新意,不如就在今年为聚会设计一个主题,增添一份特别的记忆
患者,男,41岁.1996年底发现颈部右侧淋巴结肿大,后包块逐渐增多至颈部、腹股沟,并增大至3 cm×4 cm,1997年3月7日行颈部右侧淋巴结活检,诊断为非霍奇金淋巴瘤.3月18日转我院,查血常规、外周血细胞分类、心电图、X线胸部平片、腹部超声、盆腔彩超、骨髓穿刺检查均未见异常。