,Influence of Growth Temperature and Trimethylindium Flow of InGaN Wells on Optical Properties of In

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An InGaN multiple-quantum-well (MQW) violet-light-emitting diode (LED) is grown by low-pressure metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. It is found that photoluminescence wavelength of the InGaN MQW violet LED is lengthened with increasing growth temperature and with the increasing trimethylindium flow of the InGaN wells. The electroluminescence peak wavelength of the violet LED are about 401 nm with full width at half maximum of 14nm, and the output power in injection current of 20mA at room temperature is 4.1 mW.
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魏新身上有很多标签,文化学者、央视《百家讲坛》栏目开播以来最年轻主讲人、作家、编剧、诗人……2015年,一个名为“魏道泉城”的公众号,将他的诸多标签串联起来,又创造了新的标签。  魏道泉城:不同身份的魏新集结成一个魏新  2013年底,“魏道泉城”横空出世;2014年底,魏新开始有意识地在公众号发布文章。天马行空、幽默诙谐、接地气与高大上紧密结合的文风,为“魏道泉城”积累了数万粉丝,一时间,济南文
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It is well known that when given a null geodesic γ0(λ) with a point r in (p, q) conjugate to p along γ0(λ), there will be a variation of γ0(λ) which can g