
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxuan_huang
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随着国家惠农政策的不断出台,农村居民生活用电量也呈现出快速增长趋势,部分农村台区的供电出现“低电压”现象,已不能很好地满足农村居民正常生产生活用电需求。为此国家电网公司启动了新一轮农网改造升级工程,同时开展“低电压”治理工作,多管齐下使农民用好电。第一步:多措并举,进行综合治理首先,在前期综合治理的基础上应加强完善农村电网电压监测网络或参考日常运行测试数据,全面掌握存在“低电压”现象台区的第一手资料,并与新一轮农网改造升级工程紧密结合,制定有效的治理工作方案。依据“优先解决紧急问题,重点解决严重问题,逐步解决一般问题”的原则,分类、分步进行低电压综合治理。坚持薄弱点整治与综合治理相结合,不断提升供电能力、调压能力和无功补偿能力。加强需求侧管理,细化用电性质分析,提倡错峰用电,并收集用户用电负荷情况开展特性分析,为规划建设及运行管理提供依据。其次,应根据每月台区运行分析记录和用电季节负荷曲 With the continuous introduction of state preferential agricultural policies, the living electricity consumption of rural residents has also shown a rapid growth trend. Some rural areas have “low voltage” power supply, which can not meet the needs of rural residents for normal production and living Electricity demand. To this end the State Grid Corporation of China launched a new round of rural power network transformation and upgrading projects, while carrying out “low voltage ” governance, multi-pronged so that farmers with good electricity. First step: take measures to take all measures to carry out comprehensive management First of all, on the basis of the previous comprehensive management should strengthen and improve the rural power grid voltage monitoring network or reference to the daily operation test data, a comprehensive grasp of the existence of “low voltage” Hand information, and with a new round of rural network transformation and upgrading project closely integrated with the development of effective governance program of work. Based on the principle of “giving priority to solving urgent problems, focusing on solving serious problems and gradually solving common problems”, we classify and step by step the comprehensive management of low voltage. Adhere to the combination of weak point renovation and comprehensive management, and continuously enhance the power supply capability, voltage regulation capability and reactive power compensation capability. Strengthen demand side management, refine the analysis of the nature of electricity use, promote peak load electricity consumption, and collect user electricity load to carry out property analysis to provide basis for planning, construction and operation management. Second, should be based on the monthly Taiwan area operation analysis records and electricity season load curve
中国画家吴冠中,  上了师范学校,没做老师,  学了电机科学,没做科学家,  改学艺术专科,成为艺术家。  从1942年起到现在,  己做了65年受人敬重的大教授,  桃李满天下。  吴老师的图画,  不只我们喜欢,  日本、美国、英国、新加坡……还有法国,  都有很多朋友喜欢看,喜欢收藏。  吴老师是中国文化部  “终身成就奖”获得者,  也是“法国文化艺术最高勋位”获得者。
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