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中国是世界文明古国之一,文学艺术尤其辉煌。在漫长的历史发展过程中,形成了鲜明的民族特色,具有极其鲜明深刻,极其丰富的美学思想。它独特的审美韵味和人文精神,对我们今天的文学艺术创作产生着深厚影响。因此探讨古典艺术韵味的背景和审美意蕴,研究它的人文意义,重新建立新的审美文化是很有必要的。 蓝田百石山,辋川红叶稀, 山路原无雨,空翠湿人衣。 王维这首五绝诗将我们带人了美妙的中世纪的田园风光之中。中国审美文化中的古典韵味,正是在于这种田园牧歌的描绘。宗白华先生说:“希腊半岛上城邦人民的意识更着重在城市生活里的秩序和组织,中国的广大平原的农业社会却以天地四时为主要环境,人们的生活劳动是和天地四时的节奏相适应的。”(《美学散步》)古人笔下,苍穹日月叠壁,大地山川缕焕,四时嬗代,寒暑交替,这种美体现着某种秩序和法 China is one of the ancient civilizations in the world and the literature and art are especially brilliant. In the course of long historical development, distinctive national features have formed, with extremely vivid, extremely rich aesthetic ideas. Its unique aesthetic charm and humanistic spirit have a profound impact on our literary and artistic creation today. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the background and aesthetic connotation of the classical artistic charm, to study its humanistic significance and to rebuild a new aesthetic culture. Lantian Baishishan, Wang Chuan Hong Ye dilute, the original mountain rain, air Cui wet clothing. Wang Wei, the first five poems will take us into the wonderful pastoral scenery of the Middle Ages. The classical charm of Chinese aesthetic culture lies precisely in the portrayal of this pastoral idyll. Zong Baihua said: “The consciousness of the city people on the Greek peninsula pays more attention to the order and organization in the urban life. The agricultural society in the vast plain of China uses the four o’clock heaven and earth as the main environment. People’s living and working life is the same as the four o’clock (”Aesthetic Promenade") The ancients wrote that the sky, the sun and the moon stacked wall, the earth mountains and rivers Huan, four generations of modern, cold and heat alternating, this kind of beauty is a certain order and law
他以拍战争题材而著称,但却是一个坚定的反战斗士他经常被人误叫为冯小刚,但却拥有自己独特的风格他是中国电影导演界惟一所有作品都是自己原创编剧的导演 He is famous for
张闻天同志文革遭难时,在台历上写下了一句座右铭:“应该在肩膀上长着自己的脑袋!”不知这是他个人的自律,还是他看到全社会的狂热有感而发,反正这句话至今颇令人玩味。 其实
“失踪”三年的于慧回来了。 三年前,于慧以《喜莲》一片荣获金鸡奖华表奖最佳女主角奖及中国电影学会奖,进入了一个女演员事业的巅峰时刻,可她却从鲜花和闪光灯的聚焦之中
作为房地产权属、市场管理部门,其对社会、群众的重要意义、重大责任,已 无需赘言;随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展、加入WTO的日益临近,政府部门高质量 、高效率的管理、服