Performance verification and comparison of TianLong automatic hypersensitive hepatitis B virus DNA q

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haq1227
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AIM To investigate and compare the analytical and clinical performance of Tian Long automatic hypersensitive hepatitis B virus(HBV) DNA quantification system and Roche CAP/CTM system.METHODS Two hundred blood samples for HBV DNA testing, HBV-DNA negative samples and high-titer HBV-DNA mixture samples were collected and prepared. National standard materials for serum HBV and a worldwide HBV DNA panel were employed for performance verification. The analytical performance, such as limit of detection, limit of quantification, accuracy, precision, reproducibility, linearity, genotype coverage and cross-contamination, was determined using the Tian Long automatic hypersensitive HBV DNA quantification system(TL system). Correlation and Bland-Altman plot analyses were carried out to compare the clinical performance of the TL system assay and the CAP/CTM system. RESULTS The detection limit of the TL system was 10 IU/m L, and its limit of quantification was 30 IU/m L. The differences between the expected and tested concentrations of the national standards were less than ± 0.4 Log10 IU/m L, which showed high accuracy of the system. Results of the precision, reproducibility and linearity tests showed that the multiple test coefficient of variation(CV) of the same sample was less than 5% for 102-106 IU/m L; and for 30-108 IU/m L, the linear correlation coefficient r2 = 0.99. The TL system detected HBV DNA(A-H) genotypes and there was no cross-contamination during the “checkerboard” test. When compared with the CAP/CTM assay, the two assays showed 100% consistency in both negative and positive sample results(15 negative samples and 185 positive samples). No statistical differences between the two assays in the HBV DNA quantification values were observed(P > 0.05). Correlation analysis indicated a significant correlation between the two assays, r2 = 0.9774. The Bland-Altman plot analysis showed that 98.9% of the positive data were within the 95% acceptable range, and the maximum difference was-0.49.CONCLUSION The TL system has good analytical performance, and exhibits good agreement with the CAP/CTM system in clinical performance. AIM To investigate and compare the analytical and clinical performance of Tian Long automatic hypersensitive hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA quantification system and Roche CAP / CTM system. METHODS Two hundred blood samples for HBV DNA testing, HBV-DNA negative samples and high-titer National standard materials for serum HBV and a worldwide HBV DNA panel were employed for performance verification. The analytical performance, such as limit of detection, limit of quantification, accuracy, precision, reproducibility, linearity, genotype coverage and cross-contamination, was determined using the Tian Long automatic hypersensitive HBV DNA quantification system (TL system). Correlation and Bland-Altman plot analyzes were carried out to compare the clinical performance of the TL system assay and the CAP / CTM system RESULTS The detection limit of the TL system was 10 IU / m L, and its limit of quantification was 30 IU / m L. The differences between the expected and tested concentrations of the national standards were less than ± 0.4 Log10 IU / m L, which showed high accuracy of the system. Results of precision, reproducibility and linearity tests showed that the multiple test coefficient of variation (CV) of the same The system was less than 5% for 102-106 IU / m L; and for 30-108 IU / m L, the linear correlation coefficient r2 = 0.99. The TL system detected HBV DNA (AH) genotypes and there was no cross-contamination when compared with the CAP / CTM assay, the two assays showed 100% consistency in both negative and positive sample results (15 negative samples and 185 positive samples). No statistical differences between the two assays in Correlation analysis showed a significant correlation between the two assays, r2 = 0.9774. The Bland-Altman plot analysis showed that 98.9% of the positive data were within the 95% acceptable range, and the maximumdifference was-0.49.CONCLUSION The TL system has good analytical performance, and exhibits good agreement with the CAP / CTM system in clinical performance.
长江上游泥石流轻度危险区(属Ⅴ_a级区)分为15个小区,基本无危险区(Ⅴ_b级区)分为4个小区.全区跨6省,面积30.30万km ̄2.本区泥石流自然危险度级别以E级为主,经济发展程度级别多为5级(经济待发展区).区内泥石流
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本文思路开阔,层次清楚,极富表现力与感染力。尤其是题目独具匠心,颇能夺人眼球,引人深思,且行文方式令人耳目一新,给人以深刻印象。这种拟题方法及文字处理都值得同学们借鉴。  (武汉 方敏老师)  一道鼻梁,将眼睛分到了左右两边,犹如一块凸地,把河流分成两支,这时河流所经历的兴许不同,又或相似。左眼与右眼的世界大概也是这样吧。  左眼,看天,看海,看人。  左眼里的天,拥有广阔的宁静。看不到鸟儿划过的
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