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阅读理解题是每年英语高考的重中之重,也是考生英语能否获得高分的关键之所在。这不仅仅是因为其在试题七大题型中赋分最多,还在于每年的5篇阅读理解文章内容覆盖面广,题材、体裁各异,难以捉摸;且深层综合理解题逐年增多,难度不断加大。今年的英语高考题同前几年比较又有了新的突破。本文作者从几个方面阐述了2002年高考阅读理解题所呈现的新的特点和命题趋势。供大家参考! The reading comprehension question is the most important task of the English college entrance examination every year, and it is also the key to the candidate’s ability to obtain high marks in English. This is not only due to the fact that it scores the most in the seven questions, but also in the fact that the contents of the five articles for reading comprehension each year cover a wide range of subjects and genres. It is elusive, and the depth of comprehensive understanding has increased year by year. Big. This year’s English college entrance exam has a new breakthrough compared with previous years. The author of this article elaborates on the new features and propositional trends presented in the 2002 college entrance examination reading comprehension questions. For reference!
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