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目的:分析湟中县手足口病流行特征,为控制手足口病提供科学依据。方法:按现住址收集整理湟中县2011年—2014年全省各级各类医疗机构报告的手足口病报告卡信息及实验室检测结果,用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果:湟中县2011年—2014年累计报告手足口病213例,年平均报告发病率为11.32/10万,重症死亡病例1例,重症率0.46%。全年均有病例报告,第二、三季度达到高峰。全县15个乡镇其中14个有病例分布,且中心地区手足口病发病率高于周边城区,差异有统计学意义。发病年龄集中在(0~4)岁,占病例总数的90.14%。职业以托幼儿童和散居儿童为主,占96.24%。男性发病高于女性,男女性别比为1.961。共检测62份标本,EV71阳性率45.16%。结论:手足口病的发生有明显的年龄、性别、季节和地区差异。应特别重视对5岁以下儿童手足口病防控工作,同时加强医疗机构的监测、诊治工作,加大宣传力度和宣传面,积极有效的预防手足口病。 Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease in Huangzhong County and provide a scientific basis for the control of hand foot and mouth disease. Methods: According to the current address, we collected the report of hand, foot and mouth disease reported by all kinds of medical institutions in Langzhong County from 2011 to 2014 and the laboratory test results, and analyzed them by descriptive epidemiological method. Results: Langzhong County reported a total of 213 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease in 2011-2014, with an average annual incidence rate of 11.32 / 100,000. One case of severe death was found, and the rate of serious illness was 0.46%. There are case reports throughout the year, reaching peak levels in the second and third quarters. Fourteen of the 15 villages and towns in the county have case distributions, and the incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease in the center is higher than that in the surrounding urban areas, the difference is statistically significant. The age of onset concentrated in (0 ~ 4) years, accounting for 90.14% of the total number of cases. Occupation in kindergartens and diaspora-based children, accounting for 96.24%. The incidence of males is higher than that of females, and the male-to-female sex ratio is 1.96  1. A total of 62 samples were tested, the positive rate of EV71 was 45.16%. Conclusion: The incidence of hand-foot-mouth disease has obvious age, sex, season and regional differences. Special attention should be paid to the prevention and control of hand, foot and mouth disease in children under 5 years of age. At the same time, the monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of medical institutions should be stepped up. Publicity and propaganda should be intensified to prevent hand-foot-mouth disease actively and effectively.
在庞杂的日常生活中有数量庞杂的小物,感觉放到哪都不合适。  随身的钥匙、下班回家拖下的戒指、项链、居家的针与线、火柴盒……放到抽屉,总会莫名地消失,似乎流失在第五空间;放到书架上,总有某时会掉到书架的角落再也寻觅不见;放到茶几或是桌子上,更是不知被茶杯、饭碗、遥控器挤到什么地方……这些随手的东西却最不能随手搁置,不然你的早上就会以满头大汗的找钥匙开始。  这是你生活生活中众多困惑中的一个,却也是设
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1 染料rn1.1 染料综述rn142:95704V活性艳蓝X-BR电化特性和电过程机理的研究rn环境化学2004,23(4),399-403(中文)rn142:95705W关于偶氮染料光化学反应稳定性的分子模型研究rn
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