
来源 :种子世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xd369426185
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种子作为有生命的可再生的农业生产资料,质量的好坏直接影响作物的产量,影响作物的品质,影响农民一年的收入,关系农民的切身利益。种子是技术含量很高的商品,用肉眼、凭表象很难识别质量的优劣,只能是在购买时加以防范,多加注意。1假种子定义《中华人民共和国种子法》(以下简称《种子法》)规定:“(一)以非种子冒充种子或者以此种品种种子冒充他种品种种子的;(二)种子种类、品种、产地与标签标注的内容不符的”均为假种子。以非种子冒充种子,如普通玉米冒充玉米种子,常规种冒充杂交种,未审定的品种冒充已审定的品种等, As a living and reproducible means of agricultural production, the quality of seeds directly affects the yield of crops, affects the quality of crops, affects the income of peasants for one year and affects the vital interests of peasants. Seeds are highly technical products, with the naked eye, with the appearance of quality is difficult to identify the pros and cons, can only be purchased at the time to guard against, pay more attention. 1. Definition of Fake Seeds The “Seeds Law of the People’s Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the “Seeds Law”) stipulates that: “(1) Sending seed of his own kind as a seed or as a seed of such variety; (2) Variety, origin and label content does not match the ”are fake seeds. Non-seed posing as seeds, such as ordinary corn pretending corn seeds, conventional hybrids posing as pre-certified varieties posing as validated varieties,
社会科学哲学已经成为当代理论和分析的战场之一。论争的中心是一系列不能被明确地冠以“科学”名义的领域的客观能力问题。也即,社会科学是如何追求客观性的? 文章第二部
为验证 4 8 %“地乐辛醇”的抑芽效果 ,进行了田间药效试验。结果表明 :“地乐辛醇”乳油 10 0倍液在烟草上使用 1次 ,对腋芽有较好的抑制效果 ,抑芽率可达 95 2 3% ,与对照
With the cotton field of Regiment 105,Division 6 of Production and Construction Corps of Xinjiang as the object of study,this paper uses remote sensing,geograph
黄淮海平原地区玉米夏播制种高产优质高效的关键技术有 :搞好调研 ,详细了解双亲特征特性 ;精细播种 ;正确调整好父母本花期 ,保证超前带叶摸苞去雄 ;加强田间管理 ,搞好人工