The Image of Fish in Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea

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  【Abstract】:Ernest Miller Hemingway is the spokesman of “the lost generation”, and his The Old Man and The Sea is “the best work of his life”. In this novel, fish has been described as fierce, big, and almost monstrous. It stands as the nature, the hardship beyond conquering and the great hope and aspiration for the protagonist figuratively.
  【Key words】: tough guy; fish
  I. Fish in Different Cultural Background
  Fish as the most important part of Chinese Traditional Cultural, plays an important role in Chinese history. The history of Chinese culture has been five thousand years. From the first kind of life on the earth, fish appears to have promoted the generation of a series of mammals, taking the place of mammals. In culture, it has several figurative images traditionally.
  1. Fish in Traditional Culture--Meat on the Chopping Block
  After nearly a hundred years of evolution, human beings began to have their own tribe, but also learned the words and the fire, people gradually learn to take a day to the wall, stone, it gradually has Oracle, murals and decorative patterns. The legend of the Western Han Dynasty, Be meat on someone’s chopping block means that reins in the hands of others mentioned in Si Maqian’s records of the historian, Xiangyu’s biography, himself in either the oppressed status, after not a metaphor about your life, today this statement is widely spread. Later, after continuous development and evolution, people established the state, with their own fields, most of the people to the fish as a symbol of good luck, prosperity and good luck, people put the fish’s pattern design in all aspects of folk and art, later more ancient poetry, scholars have given the image of the fish, in order to luck.
  2. Fish in Western Culture --The Bewildering Fish God
  Once, the American University of Michigan psychologist Professor Richard Nesbitt has done an experiment, he asked a group of Americans and a group of Japanese look at the picture, and then write down their description of the picture, and later found that the East Asian people used to view objects in the background, the environment is more dependent on the environment, and Westerners are more concerned about the present, more independent. Various investigations have indicated that the westerners and the eastern people see things differently, and the things that they see are not the same. Chinese people put the fish seen is lucky and auspicious, and some Westerners use their imagination and religious thought to the deification of fish as a symbol of God, thereby Mermaid story has gradually evolved to them.[1]   Both Mermaid and Poseidon have their own family. A lot of mythological figures or elves are closely linked with the water, but they are not necessarily the mermaid. These creatures, including water fairy temptress etc. Although people often think they be confused with a mermaid, but they actually have own characteristics. [2]
  3. The Marlin in Hemingway’s Novels-- Symbol of Nature
  In Hemingway’s novels, there have been several times for his heroes to mention fishing as the sport and marlin has always the target for them to get and show. So, without any exaggeration, marlin has been the image of nature for men to conquer, just like ox in his novels for men to challenge, kill and show courage.
  In most of his novels, Hemingway portrayed men as the ruler of the world, human or nature. In this way, he portrayed a world of masculine activities, fishing, boxing, bull-fighting and most of all, war. As a result, animals in his novels always stand as the most challengeable foe—nature.
  II. The New Image of Fish in The Old Man and The Sea
  1. The Image of Success and Hope
  In the article, the old man over 60 year named Santiago never put himself as a middle-aged man but rather a young human being with fighting spirit. He regarded the sea and the activity of fishing as a driving force, a competitive and life experience, a pleasure, and the courage of overcoming difficulties. In Santiago, persistence and not being afraid of losing the spirit is the essence of value needed in face of the insecurity of the social reality. This kind of description shows the author’s own view of social value, man is master of the world, and man is conqueror of the nature.
  2. The Strong Desire of Conquering the Nature
  In the novel, fish plays a role as the representative of the strong desire of human being. It appears as a material object, repeatedly chased, conquered, and finally killed. In it, the old man’s desire gets satisfied. Fishing in the choppy water is the old man’s desire, “This kind of circumstance which is cut off from the outside world is suitable for the typical character that Hemingway has written----Santiago’s hope.” [3]
  Fish is a simple and small creatures, but he can give us a lot of life experience, this is not the nature to give us a valuable test it? Uncanny workmanship of nature, let human better understanding of their own, a clear understanding of their own, it for all of our methods is natural on our test, we have to do is to seize the opportunity, know yourself, recognize themselves and continue to encourage yourself, put all the difficulties and hardships as a life experience. At the beginning of Hemingway’s negative, confused, once he felt nothing in the world, to create The Sun Also Rises, the farewell, weapons can demonstrated one by one.
  [1]Dannie .On Hemingway's Tough Guy [D].Moscow University. 2011:18-19.
  [2]Felicia. The Old Man and The Sea the Pathos and Heroism [J] writer in 2013:12.
整张脸都是水肿,捏起来根本没有感觉,我都不能确定我是否还活着。  迈进阳台的那一步,阳光全部冲过来包裹着我,或许是太久不见光,觉得刺眼得很,灼热得很。我把ES rappelt im Karton放到最大声,一条一条的删除通话记录,这密密麻麻的串串符号中,吃货张这三字出现的次数显然位居第一。倘若形影不离是真,两年以前,那便是吃货张与我。两年再往前的十八年,我們都窝在同一所幼儿园,直到小学,直到初中,
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(贵州大学明德学院,贵州 贵阳 550004)  【摘要】:由于科学技术的发展,很多工厂迅速建立起来,这不仅需要大量的水资源,还在一定程度上污染了我国的水资源,尤其是地表水资源。对地表水环境进行监测,不仅能够在很大程度上解决我国的水资源污染问题,还能为人们的生活、生产用水提供必要的保障,因此,本文将对地表水环境污染的现状进行分析,针对我国水环境监测中的一些问题,提出几点加快地表水环境监测进度的策略
【摘要】:《三家巷》是十七年小说中十分独特的一篇,在几乎所有的长篇小说都在谈革命、谈工作不谈爱情的时候,《三家巷》却用很多笔墨在一幅广州风情画中描绘着三个家庭中青年男女的爱情故事,这在十七年文学中堪称是一个与众不同的亮点,也因此成就了很多独特而又有代表性的丰满形象。区桃和胡杏是作品主人公人生中两位挚爱的女性,本文着力于对这两个女性形象进行分析,并探究其原型存在的可能性。  【关键词】:三家巷;区桃