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发展适合新时代的教育体制,需要社会的实际发展和国家教育的发展相结合,实现教育从师范性到应用型的转变,培养全面性人才。本文主要阐述根据当地的经济发展方向、特点等各方面所需求的专业转型,摆脱完全依靠传统英语教师为主的教育模式,主要培养不仅有扎实的英语基础知识,而且同时拥有广博的社会文化知识,并能熟练地将英语知识和社会文化知识结合的复合型人才,尤其是在专业领域的应用型人才,最终形成以发展应用型人才为主、教师教学为辅的复合型人才发展的主要方向。 To develop an education system suitable for the new era requires the combination of the actual development of society and the development of national education so as to achieve the transformation of education from a model college to an application-oriented one and foster a comprehensive talent pool. This article mainly elaborates the professional transformation according to the local economic development direction, the characteristic and so on each kind of specialty needs transformation, gets rid completely relies on the traditional English teacher primarily the education pattern, the main training not only has the solid basic knowledge of English, but also has extensive social culture knowledge , And can skillfully combine the compound talents of English knowledge with social and cultural knowledge, especially the applied talents in the professional fields, and finally form the main direction of the development of compound talents with the development of applied talents and supplemented by teachers’ teaching .
刘艳华 1974年从事教育工作,在基础教育这块沃土上已辛勤耕耘 27年。期间有几次转行的机会,收入可观,待遇优厚,可她都无动于衷,始终心系教育,依恋教育,立志终身从事教育。   1993