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入世,对档案工作来说,既是机遇,也是挑战,既有其利,也有其弊。入世是市场经济发展的必然,无论是利还是弊,我们都无法选择。只有顺应发展,因势利导,抓住机遇,深化档案工作改革。入世将使我国的档案工作出现一个飞跃,而且是历史性的飞跃,档案工作对于社会经济发展的作用将进一步加强,社会地位进一步提高,社会将重新审视档案部门的地位,重新评估档案工作的作用。这是入世带给档案工作的良好机遇。我国的档案工作,在计划经济体制下,管理高度集中统一,虽然对于我国的干部队伍建设发挥了巨大作用,但同时也带来很大的弊端。这种弊端主要表现在:第一、管理体制的高度集中统一。档案管理部门几乎就没有自主权,一切受上级主管部门的直接指挥。这样的结果是管理方式方法落后死板,档案部门只是被动的整理保管档案。在服务对象上也是受到严格的限制,在职能作用发挥上缺乏主动性,只重视其政府职能,而忽视其他社会服务职能。第二、档案管理内容狭窄。由于受中国古代传统档案管理和计划经济的影响,档案变成了纯粹的人事档案,成为简单的个人简历,即使作为简历,其内容也是不全面的,政治的内容多,业务的内容少。第三、社会服务功能弱化。档案无论是对个人,还是对社会,都是神秘的。之所以神秘,主要是由于其服务对象单一决定的。档案管理部门只对党政机关负责,没有为社会服务的义务,既是企业档案,也主要是为干部人事工作服务,很少为企业经济发展服务。 Accession to the WTO is both an opportunity and a challenge for archival work, both for its own benefits and its disadvantages. The accession to the WTO is inevitable for the development of a market economy. Whether it is for profit or not, we can not choose it. Only by adapting to development, making the best use of opportunities, seizing opportunities and deepening the reform of archives work. The accession to the WTO will make a tremendous leap for our archives work and a historic leap forward. The role of archival work in social and economic development will be further strengthened and social status will be further enhanced. The society will re-examine the status of archival departments and reevaluate the role of archival work . This is a good opportunity for the archives work to bring into the WTO. Archives work in our country, under the planned economy, with a high degree of centralization and management of management, has played a great role in building the cadre ranks in our country. However, it also brings great drawbacks. This drawback mainly in: First, the management system is highly centralized. Archives management almost no autonomy, all under the direct command of the higher authorities. This result is backward and rigid management methods and methods, the file department is only passive organize the custody of the file. In the service object is also subject to strict restrictions, play a role in the lack of initiative, only the importance of its government functions, while ignoring the other social service functions. Second, the file management content is narrow. Due to the influence of the traditional archives management and planned economy in ancient China, the archives become purely personal files and become simple resumes. Even though they are short resumes, their contents are not comprehensive, and their political content is large and the content of their businesses is small. Third, weakened social service functions. Archives are mysterious to individuals and to society. The reason is mysterious, mainly due to the single decision of its clients. Archives management department is only responsible for the party and government organs, there is no obligation to serve the community, both enterprise files, but also mainly for cadre and personnel services, and rarely serve the economic development of enterprises.
各区、县人民政府,市府直属各单位:《广州市档案馆开放档案实施细则》业经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。执行中遇到的问题,请向广州市档案局反映。 All distri
本文对在对马克思的劳动力观新的认识和理解基础上探讨了我国西部地区教育与经济和社会发展之间的关系 ,并以新的劳动力形态观分析了继续教育在西部地区人力资源开发中的作用
四、分析与讨论在深入讨论之前,研究者有必要澄清一点,那就是教师在课程实施的过程中遵循的是社会需求驱动的逻辑,因此对课程进行 Fourth, analysis and discussion Before
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