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花了几十万元买了一套房,装修后发现墙体裂缝,修补一年多后墙体再次出现多处开裂,险情不断,与开发商多次交涉未果后,业主夫妇俩无奈采取贴“小字报”、拉横幅、进驻售楼处等方式维权,谁知道,这不但没能维权,反而被开发商以侵犯“名誉权”为由,将其告上法庭,索赔18万元。 Spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy a suite, after the renovation found cracks in the wall repair more than a year after the wall appeared again cracking many, continuous danger, and the developer several unsuccessful negotiations, the couple could not help but employers posted “ Small Character Posters ”, pull the banner, stationed in the sales offices and other rights activist, who knows, not only failed to safeguard their rights, but by developers to infringe the“ reputation ”as an excuse to be brought to court, the claim 180,000 yuan.
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