经方的临床疗效,为历代医家所赞誉。它的科学内涵,实践运用有许多问题是值得思考的。兹不揣浅陋,谈点个人拙见。1 精辨病机拓宽运用范围《伤寒论》以六经辨证为纲,以八纲辨证为目,开拓中医认识疾病的辨证思维方法;以八法论治,统辖诸病,形成完备的治疗手段。然而,要使经方的运用得心应手,关键是精于辨析病机。
The clinical efficacy of the classics is praised by physicians of all ages. Its scientific connotation and practical application have many problems worth considering. I will not talk to you personally. 1 Refined Pathogenesis and Broadening the scope of application The “Treatise on Febrile Diseases” is based on the Six Classics Syndrome, with the aim of dialectical differentiation of the Eight Outlines, to develop a dialectical thinking method for the understanding of diseases in traditional Chinese medicine; to treat the disease with eight methods, to control diseases and form a complete treatment . However, if you want to make the use of the economy easy to use, the key is to be good at distinguishing the pathogenesis.