
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongfeiran
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【目的】了解不同燃烧阶段地下煤火上覆土壤微生物群落功能多样性。【方法】利用BIOLOG指纹图谱方法,分析新疆吉木萨尔县境内不同燃烧阶段地下煤火风化期、氧化期、自燃期、全面燃烧期、硫磺析出期、芒硝析出期和熄灭期的上覆土壤微生物功能多样性。【结果】地下煤火不同燃烧阶段上覆土壤理化性质差异显著,自燃期硝态氮含量最高,熄灭期有机质含量最低;不同时期微生物群落碳源利用能力及多样性均低于对照;主成分分析表明,土壤微生物在31种碳源构建的二维体系分布差异明显,微生物群落结构在地下煤火发生发展过程中呈现动态变化;相关性分析显示,土壤pH是影响地下煤火上覆土壤微生物群落利用碳源差异的显著因素。【结论】地下煤火降低上覆土壤微生物群落功能多样性,不同燃烧阶段微生物群落功能多样性差异显著,这对地下煤火区生态恢复具有一定参考利用价值。 【Objective】 The aim of this study is to understand the functional diversity of soil microbial communities in the overburden of coal under different combustion stages. 【Method】 The BIOLOG fingerprinting method was used to analyze the overlying soil microbes in the coal burning, oxidation period, spontaneous combustion period, total burning period, sulfur precipitation period, mirabilite precipitation period and extinction period in different combustion stages in Jimsar County, Xinjiang Functional diversity. 【Result】 The results showed that there were significant differences in the physical and chemical properties of soil overburden in different stages of combustion, with the highest content of nitrate nitrogen in the spontaneous combustion period and the lowest content of organic matter in the extinction period. The utilization ability and diversity of microbial resources in different periods were lower than those in the control. The results showed that there were obvious differences in the distribution of soil microorganisms in 31 carbon sources. Microbial community structure showed dynamic changes during the development of underground coal fire. Correlation analysis showed that soil pH affected the microbial community Significant factors that make use of differences in carbon sources. 【Conclusion】 The underground coal fire reduces the functional diversity of the overlying soil microbial communities, and the functional diversity of the microbial communities in different combustion stages is significantly different. Therefore, it has certain reference value for the ecological restoration of underground coal fire areas.
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