
来源 :腐植酸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leolee19820604
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许多研究报道腐植酸类物质能够促进不同环境下的幼苗栽培物的生长。然而对腐植酸促进植物生长的作用机理,科学工作者却知之甚少。腐植酸类物质对植物幼苗的影响涉及根质膜H+-ATP酶活性及根系和芽中硝酸根分布的主要作用,反过来,导致某些细胞分裂素,多聚胺与脱落酸根浓度的变化,从而促进新幼苗生长。这一观点,通过现阶段的试验可以得出。试验结果表明,植物根系所富集的腐植酸能显著增加植物幼苗的生长,这与植物根系H+-ATP酶活性增强有关,这种活性表现在植物幼芽中硝酸盐浓度的增加,根系浓度降低。这些作用与细胞分裂素和多胺物质的浓度在植物幼芽中显著提高是相伴随的,与植物根系浓度降低有关。同样地,多种细胞分裂素在植物幼芽和根系分布的变化与多种矿物营养素在植物幼芽和根系分布的显著变化是协调一致的。试验结果表明,腐植酸对黄瓜幼苗生长的促进作用与硝酸根的浓度直接有关,而硝酸根浓度的变化又影响了细胞分裂素和多胺物质在植物幼苗中的富集。 Many studies reported that humic substances can promote the growth of seedlings in different environments. However, the mechanism by which humic acid promotes plant growth is poorly understood by scientists. The effects of humic substances on plant seedlings involved the main role of H + -ATPase activity in the plasma membrane and nitrate distribution in roots and shoots, which in turn led to changes in the concentrations of certain cytokinins, polyamines and abscisic acid radicals, Thus promoting the growth of new seedlings. This view, through the current stage of the experiment can be drawn. The results showed that the humic acid enriched in plant roots significantly increased the growth of plant seedlings, which was related to the increase of H + -ATPase activity in plant roots. This activity was shown by the increase of nitrate concentration and the decrease of root concentration . These effects are accompanied by a significant increase in the concentration of cytokinin and polyamine species in the plant sprouts, which is associated with a reduction in plant root concentration. Similarly, changes in the distribution of multiple cytokinins in plant shoots and roots are in concert with the significant changes in the distribution of various mineral nutrients in plant shoots and roots. The results showed that the promotion of humic acid on the growth of cucumber seedlings was directly related to the concentration of nitrate, and the change of nitrate concentration affected the enrichment of cytokinin and polyamine in plant seedlings.
延年益寿是养生学的重要内容.益寿亦即延年,指延长生命长度和提髙生命质量.通过对《四库全书》中关 于“益寿”文献的整理研究,探寻中华文化与延年益寿的内在关系.文章共分为
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield
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