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IT触角无处不在。运动场上,IT技术让精彩的比赛瞬间定格,快速精确地进行成绩的测算、采集,信息共享、实时……8月22日,一个体育和IT完美结合的范例将在第21届世界大学生运动会上得到生动体现。为办好这个建国以来我国举办的第一个世界性综合性运动会,大运会组委会明确提出“新技术,新大运”的口号。组委会技术部部长戴维镛介绍,IT技术运用贯穿了大运会的全过程,从运动员入住大运村,注册,到运动健儿在比赛实时成绩的采集、处理、打印、公告等大部分步骤,都将由大运会计算机网络自动完成。没有高科技产品筑就的网络,就不可能网住精彩瞬间。戴维镛特别提到了本次大运会指定唯一网络设备供应商——紫光网络。他说,紫光网络提供给大运会的相关产品已经顺利通过了组委会的两次联调,“成功地筑造了大运会的神经中枢”。对此,清华紫光副总裁郭元林认为,“运动场是最新IT技术的试验场,展示IT新技术的窗口”,他们愿意接受这样的检验。同时还表示,这也证明了国内网络厂 IT feels everywhere. On the sports field, IT technology allows wonderful competitions to freeze in an instant, measure and collect results quickly and accurately, share information, and real-time... On August 22, an example of a perfect combination of sports and IT will be held at the 21st World University Games. It is vividly reflected. In order to run the first world-wide comprehensive sports event organized by our country since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the Organizing Committee of the Universiade clearly put forward the slogan “New technology, new Universiade.” Dawei Wei, Director of the Technical Department of the Organizing Committee, introduced that the use of IT technology runs through the entire process of the Universiade, from the athletes staying in the village of Dayun, registration, to the sports athletes in the collection of real-time results, processing, printing, announcements and most of the steps will be The Universiade computer network is automatically completed. Without the network built by high-tech products, it is impossible to live in wonderful moments. David Wei mentioned in particular that the only designated network equipment supplier in the Universiade, Ziguang Network. He said that the related products provided by the Ziguang Network to the Universiade have successfully passed two joint deployments of the Organizing Committee and “successfully built the nerve center of the Universiade.” In this regard, Guo Yuanlin, vice president of Tsinghua Unisplendours, believes that “sports fields are the testing grounds for the latest IT technologies and showcase windows for new IT technologies” and they are willing to accept such tests. At the same time, it also said that this also proves that the domestic network factory
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