开展“国门”司法所规范化建设 服务面向西南开放桥头堡建设战略——访云南省司法厅副厅长吉志勇

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2013年以来,云南省司法厅认真贯彻落实十八大和十八届三中全会精神,抓住国务院支持云南省加快建设面向西南开放重要桥头堡战略的机遇,大力开展边境一线“国门”司法所规范化建设,为高质量服务面向西南开放的桥头堡建设战略、维护边境一线社会和谐稳定发挥了重要作用,树立了良好的国家形象。司法部副部长郝赤勇对云南省“国门”司法所规范化建设工作给予了高度评价,指示:认真总结经验,大力宣传。为宣传报道云南省“国门”司法所建设的经验和成果,本刊记者深入云南边境一线,从“极边第一城”腾冲到“太阳当顶的地方”畹町,奔波千余公里,专访云南省司法厅领导,实地走访边境一线“国门”司法所,在行走中采访,在互动中报道,从婀娜多姿的槟榔江畔到象征中缅友谊的九谷桥上,亲身感受边境一线司法所工作人员扎实工作、吃苦耐劳、无私奉献的精神风貌。本刊以专题形式报道云南省“国门”司法所规范化建设成就,与读者共同领略“国门”司法所风采。 Since 2013, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Justice has earnestly implemented the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, seized the opportunity of the State Council to support Yunnan Province in accelerating the construction of an important bridgehead strategy for Southwest China’s opening up, and vigorously carried out front-line and “national” judiciary The standardization of construction has played an important role in building a bridgehead strategy for high-quality services facing southwest opening up and maintaining social harmony and stability along the frontline and has established a good national image. Hao Chi Yong, vice minister of justice, highly praised the work of standardizing construction of the “Justice of Justice” in Yunnan Province. He instructed: To earnestly sum up experience and vigorously promote it. In order to propagandize the experience and achievements of Yunnan Province’s “Guomao” administration of justice, our correspondents went deep into the frontier of Yunnan Province, from “the first city on the edge of the border to the top of the sun,” “Tengchong, Traveled over a thousand kilometers and interviewed leaders of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Justice on the spot to visit the frontier border authorities. During the walk, they interviewed and reported in an interactive manner that from the graceful betel nut bank to the Kutani Bridge symbolizing the friendship between China and Myanmar, Experience first-hand the front-line justice department staff solid work, hard-working, selfless dedication of the spirit. The magazine reports on the achievements made by Yunnan Province in its standardization on the standardized construction of the ”Justice of the People’s Republic of China“ and the common understanding of readers with the ”national" judicial style.
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