选修7 第2单元同步验收题

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  第一节 (7.5分)
  1. What is the man going to do?
  A. He is going to have a meal. B. He is looking for a hotel.
  C. He is trying to find the nearest street.
  2. Does the woman agree to the idea of learning Chinese?
  A. Yes. She will come to China to learn Chinese.
  B. Yes. She is planning to learn Chinese. C. No. She doesn t think it is a good idea.
  3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. They are neighbours. B. They are friends. C. They are strangers.
  4. What are the two speakers talking about?
  A. Paintings. B. Rivers and mountains. C. Hobbies.
  5. What did the woman see in the yard?
  A. She saw something. B. She saw nothing. C. She saw a thief.
  第二節 (22.5分)
  6. What is the woman telling her father about?
  A. Her visit to Greenwich Park. B. Her sightseeing experience.
  C. Her plan for her holiday.
  7. When is the woman going to see a show?
  A. On their last night in New York. B. Next weekend.
  C. Tomorrow.
  8. At what age is a person allowed to drink in America?
  A. 18.   B. 20.   C. 21.
  9. What does one need to do during his special birthday celebration?
  A. Just enjoy the special day. B. Take care of everything. C. Pay the bill.
  10. Why does the company fire Jim?
  A. Because there is a crisis and a new machine.
  B. Because he is always late for work. C. Because he s too old for the job.
  11. What s the probable relationship between the speakers?
  A. Headmaster and teacher. B. Manager and secretary. C. Director and actress.
  12. What can we learn about the man speaker?
  A. He was once fired. B. He needn t talk to Jim himself.
  C. He asked Sara to work here.
  13. How did the woman get to the museum?
  A. By subway. B. By bus. C. By car.
  14. How many of the paintings did the woman see?
  A. Very few of them. B. About half of them. C. Almost all of them.
  15. Whose painting did the woman like the most?
  A. Diego Rivera. B. Frida Kahlo. C. Henri Matisse.   16. What does the man want to do together with the woman?
  A. Make some paintings. B. Go travellling this summer.
  C. Visit the museum again.
  17. When did Jack order the CDs?
  A. On March 13th.         B. On March 14th.          C. On March 16th.
  18. How soon did Jack receive the CDs?
  A. The next day.              B. Three days later.          C. Seven days later
  19. Where did he get the CDs?
  A. In a CD shop.              B. In a supermarket.         C. On the net.
  20. What does he complain about?
  A. The quality of the CDs.   B. The service the company offered.
  C. The price of the CDs.
  I. 阅读理解。(30分)
  Chinese fans might just be on cloud nine right now since the movie Spirited Away has finally been scheduled for a June 21 release. The movie made by Studio Ghibli was originally released in 2001 and quickly gained fame around the world for the fascinating and thrilling story it offers. It follows the adventures of a 10-year-old girl named Chihiro, voiced by Zhou Dongyu, as she wanders around the spirit world to bring her parents back to their original form after turning into pigs. In the magical world, she encounters challenges and a cunning witch, voiced by Wang Lin, who wants to keep Chihiro as her servant forever. She also meets a boy named Haku, voiced by Jing Boran, who will help her through the journey. Peng Yuchang gives life to Kaonashi, and Tian Zhuangzhuang takes the role of Kamaji.
  Spirited Away remains to this day the only non-English language title to earn the Best Animated Feature prize. It is also the highest-grossing film in Japanese history. The anime grossed over $275 million in Japan during its initial release, out-grossing such box office ─ Titanic. Studio Ghibli films have remained popular in China. It s currently the second Studio Ghibli film to make its way in China, the first being My Neighbor Totoro which was digitally remastered and shown in Chinese cinemas last December.
  Anime has long been popular with audiences and $83 million of Your Name s total gross came from China. The Totoro release was a huge box office success with more than $26 million, and Spirited Away is widely expected to perform even better given its popularity.   1. What do the underlined words “on cloud nine” probably mean?
  A. Embarrassed. B. Jealous.   C. Happy. D. Surprised.
  2. Why does Chihiro wander around the spirit world?
  A. Because she wants to find friendship. B. Because she wants to go through the journey.
  C. Because she wants to keep herself as a servant of the witch.
  D. Because she wants to bring her parents back to their original form.
  3. Which film is the highest-grossing film in Japanese history?
  A. My Neighbor Totoro   B. Spirited Away
  C. Your Name    D. Titanic
  The first day of school our professor challenged us to get to know someone we didn t already know. I turned round to find a wrinkled, little old lady looking at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.
  She said, “Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. I m eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?”
  I laughed and enthusiastically responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.
  We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months, we would leave class together and talk nonstop.
  Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went.
  At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. After being introduced, she cleared her throat and began, “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you will die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don t even know it! There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
  If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don t do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything, I will turn eighty-eight.
  The elderly usually don t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”
  She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Rose”. She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. Rose taught us by example that it is never too late to realize our dreams.
  4. Which words can be used to describe Rose?   A. Ambitious and strict.                B. Positive and optimistic.
  C. Regretful and courageous.            D. Confident and kind-hearted.
  5. Rose was invited to speak at the football banquet probably because    .
  A. she was a big football fan B. she was a well-educated professor
  C. she was an outstanding student D. she was an inspiring figure
  6. What does the underlined sentence imply?
  A. If you regret nothing, you won t fear death.
  B. If you fear death, you will regret something.
  C. People regret something when they face death.
  D. People die with regrets because of what they have done.
  7. What is the best title for the passage?
  A. My best friend B. Dream in heart C. Secrets to success D. Accepting challenges
  Summertime is often filled with outdoor parties and food trucks, meaning you re spending more time standing up and eating. But if you want to actually enjoy your meal, researchers say you re better off finding a seat.
  A new study published in the Journal of Consumer Research finds posture impacts taste perception (感知), with food tasting better when you re sitting down. Dipayan Biswas, professor of marketing at the University of South Florida, found that holding a standing posture for even a few minutes leads to physical stress, muting taste perception. The force of gravity pushes blood to the lower parts of the body, causing the heart to work harder to pump blood back up to the top of the body, accelerating heart rate. When people experience discomfort, food that normally tastes good do not appear as pleasant to the tongue. Biswas confirmed his assumption by having 350 participants rate the taste of a pita chip. Those who were standing gave it a less favorable rating than those who were sitting in a chair.
  Researchers then provided participants classic bite-sized cakes baked at a local restaurant that were tested and widely considered pleasant tasting. Those who were sitting down rated them to be most delicious. However, when the baker changed the recipe and made the taste unpleasant by adding an extra cup of salt, the results were opposite. Participants standing up didn t notice the cakes tasting saltier to that extent, and actually rated them to have a relatively more favorable taste perception than those who sampled them while sitting down.   “This finding suggests that parents might be able to make unpleasant-tasting, healthy foods seem more delicious to reluctant (不情愿的) children by having them eat standing up (vs. sitting down). Also it might be beneficial to maintain a standing posture when consuming medical products that have unpleasant tastes.”
  In addition, the team tested posture s impact on temperature perception. Participants were provided cups of hot coffee. Those standing up reported it not being as intense as those who were sitting down. However, they drank less than those sitting, suggesting physical stress suppresses appetite. Eating while standing can also help with long-term weight loss goals. Specifically, eating while standing (vs. sitting) leads to lower amount of consumption.
  8. What s the main idea of the text?
  A. Summer is the best season to enjoy tasty food.
  B. Your posture influence your food perception.
  C. You had better stand up when eating food.
  D. Sitting down helps you enjoy your food.
  9. Which of the following best explains “muting” underlined in paragraph 2?
  A. encouraging B. approving C. discouraging D. disapproving
  10. According to the passage, how many experiments were conducted by Dipayan Biswas and his team?
  A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.
  11. A standing position while eating is especially beneficial to those except    .
  A. a girl who wants to keep slim B. a couple who are enjoying their dinner
  C. a child who is unwilling to take bitter pills
  D. a mum whose children refuse to eat tasteless food
  Researchers have studied how birth order affects kids  personalities in the past, but one study out of the United Kingdom has found that firstborns may have an educational advantage over their younger siblings (兄弟姐妹).
  Researchers at the University of Essex s Institute for Social and Economic Research surveyed 3,553 individuals and 1,503 groups of siblings, and discovered that firstborn children tended to have higher educational aspirations and attainment. Only children and firstborn twins were not included in the study.
  For each family involved in the study, researcher Feifei Bu examined sibling birth order, the number of children in the family, age spacing, sex, health, relationships with one another and educational aspirations. She found that firstborns had a greater probability ─ 16 percent higher ─ of attending further education, compared with later-born siblings.   “The advantage of firstborns in educational outcomes may be partially explained by the fact that firstborns tend to have higher aspirations which push them toward high education levels,” Bu wrote in the published study.
  She further explained to The Guardian that parenting could play a role. “It could be that the parents simply devote more time and energy to them; it could be that they are actually more intelligent. For me, I tend to lean towards the theory that the amount of time, energy and involvement that parents put into caring for their children is possibly at work here,” she said.
  She also found age spacing to be a contributing factor. The further apart in age the siblings ─ for example, a six-year instead of one-year difference ─ the more likely both kids were to be successful. The idea is that with widely spaced siblings, parents have the ability to spread out their resources. In other words, they have time to give each child more time and money.
  But younger siblings shouldn t worry. The world is full of successful middle and youngest children willing to prove this study wrong.
  12. Who are more likely to complete higher levels of education according to Paragraphs 1 & 2?
  A. Only children. B. Firstborn twins. C. Younger siblings. D. Firstborn siblings.
  13. What is possibly important for kids  educational achievement according to Bu?
  A. Parental investment. B. Parents  intelligence.
  C. Kids  native intelligence. D. Kids  school environment.
  14. What is the influence of wider age spacing between two siblings?
  A. It may cause conflicts between them. B. It may place more pressure on parents.
  C. Both of them are more likely to succeed.
  D. They are likely to be different from each other.
  15. How is the text mainly developed?
  A. By listing examples. B. By giving descriptions.
  C. By setting down general rules. D. By presenting research findings.
  第二節 (7.5分)
  When you re a teenager, of course, you want to stress the difference between your age group and the older generation, and changing the language you use is a great way to do this.
  One way in which teens change their language is to introduce new vocabulary or change the meaning of existing words.  16 . Bad suddenly meant good and sick took on the meaning of very cool. These uses don t last for long, though. They change again very quickly.   17 . One example of a teen-led change is the fashionable use among some young people of innit (a shortened form of isn t it) as a substitute for all question tags. Although some people are concerned that this trend towards “text-speak” is harming the language, Professor David Crystal doesn t agree. According to him, the fact that teens use “text-speak”, shortened words and even emoticons does not mean the end of the language. Texting is just a new type of English that has evolved as a result of Internet technology.  18 .
  Although teenagers are often criticised for ignoring linguistic rules and ruining the language, we should bear in mind that languages are not fixed.  19 . New vocabulary develops as speakers need new words to match the new things in their lives. Grammar also changes over time, which explains why many present-day speakers find Shakespeare s sixteenth-century plays difficult to read.     20 , but realizing that language change is normal and unavoidable and that teens are important to this process might help the older generations to sleep better at night.
  A. Young people also make changes to grammar
  B. It hasn t had any influence on the rest of the language
  C. Adults may not like the way teens speak to each other
  D. They all change naturally over time for a lot of reasons
  E. Young people tend to adapt themselves to new languages
  F. We continue to need to create many new words and phrases these days
  G. Some recent examples of teen-speak show how big these changes in meaning can be
  II. 完形填空。(30分)
  Peter von Maltzahn loved his wife Marion, loved adventure and loved his camper van(野营车), Schoen. After  1  the van in Germany in 1972, the pair set off on road trip after road trip across Europe. They then  2  to Adelaide, South Australia, in the early 1980s and settled there.
  On the other side of Adelaide, 26-year-old Elise Cook—just recently  3 —was daydreaming of getting away from it all with her new husband, Domenic. Elise had always loved the idea of owning her own “happiness bus” and  4  the country from behind the wheel of a Kombi.
  While surfing online, Elise  5  Peter s listing for Schoen. Despite  6  her that Schoen was well outside their budget, Domenic  7  and agreed to go and take a look. Elise was  8  of it at first sight. But at Peter s $39,000 asking price, Domenic was  9 : it was “completely  10  and off the cards.” With a heavy heart, the couple left,  11  telling Peter how much they wanted to  12  a van like that.   A few days later, Elise s phone rang. It was Peter, inviting them back for a second  13 . The young couple headed over. Peter told the couple he had so far received two  14  for Schoen, both of which met his asking price.  15 , he was unhappy because those offers were from collectors. Peter was  16  to know what the couple would be able to afford.
  Domenic said that the most they could  17  was around half of what he was asking. Peter told the couple that he would  18  their offer... on one condition: “You must promise me you ll have  19 ,” he told them.
  Now Schoen is running on adventures around Australia, helping Elise and Domenic  20  memories for themselves.
  1. A. sharing B. parking C. displaying D. buying
  2. A. moved    B. pointed      C. donated    D. wrote
  3. A. retired     B. qualified    C. married     D. lost
  4. A. helping     B. seeing     C. entering     D. building
  5. A. spotted     B. reported    C. finished     D. explained
  6. A. persuading     B. teaching    C. questioning    D. warning
  7. A. broke down    B. gave in    C. showed up    D. passed by
  8. A. proud    B. afraid    C. fond    D. tired
  9. A. right     B. angry    C. empty    D. doubtful
  10. A. imperfect    B. unattractive   C. impossible    D. uncertain
  11. A. until   B. unless   C. since   D. after
  12. A. fix   B. rent   C. own    D. start
  13. A. exam    B. look   C. interview    D. trade
  14. A. offers     B. letters    C. numbers   D. calls
  15. A. Therefore   B. Moreover   C. Otherwise   D. However
  16. A. amused   B. worried   C. surprised   D. interested
  17. A. earn   B. waste   C. spend   D. save
  18. A. accept   B. ignore   C. analyze   D. believe
  19. A. children    B. adventures   C. plans   D. advantages
  20. A. remember    B. create    C. clear    D. choose   III. 语法填空。(15分)
  A Pu, a cartoon image of a young male panda who loves playing table tennis,  1  (become) the official global representative of China s giant pandas since the competition s organizers announced last Wednesday. A Pu wears a red T-shirt  2  which an image of his favorite food ─ bamboo shoot ─ can be seen. The eyes of A Pu are heart-shaped, suggesting emotions of love and caring.
  The image of A Pu  3  (select) from more than 2,023 works from 22 countries, won the China Giant Panda Global Image Design Competition.
  The image of A Pu will be  4  (wide) promoted as the official image of China s giant pandas and will be a bridge  5  (connect) China with the rest of the world, the organizers said. “A Pu  6  (give) the identity of a young male panda who will soon be  7  freshman in college and loves playing table tennis,” according to the lead designer of the team created A Pu. A Pu represents the new generation of Chinese  8  (youth) who are more connected to the international community,  9  also shows their characteristics ─energetic, positive,  10 (confidence), and willing to share.
  IV. 閱读下面句子,根据语境及汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。(10分)
  1. Her     (欲望) to dominate other people has caused trouble in her family.
  2. I have great     (同情心) for people in suffering.
  3. A mother mustn t     (偏袒) one of her children more than the others.
  4. She asked me to     (陪伴) her to the airport.
  5. Britain     (宣布) war on Germany in 1914.
  6. He has great     (才干), but he has lost his faith.
  7. Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one     (满意).
  8. We all wonder how you always look so young and beautiful and     (优雅的).
  9. It was a reasonable     (评价) and probably pretty close to the truth.
  10. They established a basic     (框架) of ground rules for discussions.
  V. 结合本单元所学内容把下列汉语句子翻译成英语。(15分)
  1. 任何人都不允许把杂志带出阅览室。
  2. 那棵树看起来要倒了似的。
  3. 我不会允许他在厨房里洗自行车。
  4. 这些是明天要讨论的问题。
  5. 她讨厌被她的同学们嘲笑。
  6. 就是在那时克莱尔才意识到托尼打开了窗帘。
  7. 从不向过去学习的人一定会失败。
  8. 包括托尼总共15位经理参加了这次会议。
  9. 当他第一次看到这台机器人时感到很惊恐。
  10. 你最好让他单独待着,因为他想休息。
  VI. 书面表达。(20分)
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第一部分:听力(30分)  第一节 (7.5分)  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。  1. What was the weather like during Jane’s trip?  A. Rainy. B. Windy. C. Sunn
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