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乡是中国农村基本的相对独立的社会——经济基层单元,农村发展的大部分问题都在乡的范围内表现出来,农村的现代化也在乡镇的范围内实现。改革开放以来,乡镇企业的发展促进了农村社会经济的迅速发展。然而,在以往的乡镇工业化过程中,由于没有科学地进行规划,影响了农村改革的深化,使市场发育缓慢,投资环境得不到改善,资源浪费,环境污染,居住环境、卫生条件等也跟不上发展的要求。在农村“撤区并乡扩镇”以后,为促进农村社会、经济、环境的协调发展,建设有中国特色的社会主义新农村,制定乡镇的社会经济综合发展规划以指导未来的建设,是一项十分紧迫的工作。杭州大学区域与城市科学系率先在这方面做了许多工作,这里刊载的是该系《绍兴杨汛桥乡经济社会发展规划研究报告》的《空间布局》部分。杨汛桥乡是浙江省科技兴乡和农村现代化的试点乡,因此,本报告不仅对杨汛桥乡的现代化建设具有现实意义,而且也可为同一类型地区的农村社会经济发展提供科学的借鉴。 Township is basically the relatively independent social-economic unit in rural areas of China. Most problems in rural development are manifested within the scope of rural areas. Rural modernization is also implemented within the scope of townships. Since the reform and opening up, the development of township and village enterprises has promoted the rapid social and economic development in rural areas. However, in the past process of industrialization of towns and villages, the lack of scientific planning affected the deepening of rural reform, slowed down the development of the market, failed to improve the investment environment, wasted resources, environmental pollution, living environment, sanitation, etc. Not on the development requirements. In order to promote the coordinated development of society, economy and environment in rural areas, to build a new socialist countryside with Chinese characteristics and to formulate comprehensive socio-economic development plans for villages and towns to guide future construction in the rural area, Very urgent work. The Department of Regional and Urban Science of Hangzhou University took the lead in doing a lot of work in this area. Here is the “spatial layout” of the “Report on the Economic and Social Development Planning of Yangxunqiao Township in Shaoxing”. Therefore, this report not only has practical significance for the modernization of Yangxunqiao Township, but also provides a scientific reference for rural social and economic development in the same type of areas. Yangxunqiao Township is a pilot town for rural development and rural modernization in Zhejiang Province. .
摘要 英语已经发展成为一门国际性语言,而英语的全球化引起了英语广泛的本土化。本文以英语变体之一的“中国英语”在音位、词汇、语篇等层面的特点研究为基础,试图阐述中国文化自觉在跨文化交际中的重要性。  关键词:文化自觉 中国英语 中图分类号:H08 文献标识码:A     一 引言   在中国改革开放的艰难历程中,政治经济现代化正在转型成为中国特色的现代化,而文化领
信封通常是纸制的,但也有例外,笔者近日收到南非邮政集邮部门寄来的《SETEMPE(邮票)》杂志,使用的是白色塑料信封。 Envelopes are usually made of paper, but there are