Maximum Likelihood Method of Maintainability Growth Evaluation for Weapon Equipment

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:voolxu
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The evaluation of maintainability growth plays an important role in improving materiel system effectiveness. Based on field maintenance information, a maximum likelihood model is put forward to evaluate the maintainability growth at the system level and sub-system level. A maximum likelihood function can be built after all the maintenance data can be divided into the following three categories: incomplete repair time data, complete repair time data, super-complete repair time data. According to the actual situation of the maintenance data, an appropriate approximation can be made and the approximate analytical solution can be obtained. The values of μ and σ can be obtained as the corresponding estimated value of unknown parameters. By effectively mining the latent sample information, the maintainability growth evaluation is logical and reasonable. The evaluation of maintainability growth plays an important role in improving materiel system effectiveness. Based on field maintenance information, a maximum likelihood model is put forward to evaluate the maintainability growth at the system level and sub-system level. A maximum likelihood function can be built after all the maintenance data can be divided into the following three categories: incomplete repair time data, complete repair time data, super-complete repair time data, according to the actual situation of the maintenance data, an appropriate approximation can be made and the approximate The value of μ and σ can be obtained as the corresponding estimated value of unknown parameters. By effectively mining the latent sample information, the maintainability growth evaluation is logical and reasonable.
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摘 要: 成长过程中最容易出现自我教育的缺失,孔子关于自知、自觉、自责、自律、自重、自励、自立、自强、自省与自悟的论述,对家长对孩子的教育有很大启示意义。如果让孩子不经受这些心路历程,就不可能形成完善的自我教育,也不可能造就完美的自我人生,无法实现个人的自主、自立和自强。  关键词: 孔子论述 教育思想 学生成长  我认为成长的含义至少有两层:一是体格上的长高长大与成熟;二是自信、自强、自主、自立