
来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WatsonWen
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  1. Lead-in with a song about holidays
  After the bell rang, a greeting was first made between the author and the students. Then the author had a free talk with students, she drew the students’ attention to the topic related to holiday by asking students “What date is it today?” All the students can answer the author “Today is the 15th of December.” Then the author told them Christmas is coming. Then the author let students listen to the song Holidays: After listening, please tell the others what holidays you heard in this song.
  2. Presenting the task with a focus on watching
  After students’ answers, they watched PPT and know the festivals in the eastern country or the western country. And then the author showed the names of four holidays (Halloween, Spring Festival, Children’s Day and New Year’s Day) to students and told them we would learn something about four holidays from three aspects( dates, people’s activities and your activities).
  3. Preparing the task with a focus on reading
  Before class, students were asked to search for information about holidays from the books or the Internet. At class, reading is also necessary. The author required them to underline the information about four holidays from two aspects (dates and people’s activities).
  4. Completing the task with a focus on speaking
  Task 1: Practice the sentences When’s …? It’s …. by pair work
  A task and two sentences “When’s …? It’s in/on ….” were presented to the class. The author asked them to discuss with their partners using the two sentences and match the holidays to the correct dates. Students talked to their partners and finished the task by themselves.
  When’s …? It’s in/on ….
  Spring Festival on the 31st of October
  New Year’s Day on the 1st of January
  Halloween in January or February
  Children’s Day on the 1st of June
  Task 2: Practice the sentences What do people usually do on/at …? They usually …. by group discussion and try to summarize.
  In this stage, the author gave them the task of their discussion and asked them to try to summarize:
  What do people usually do on/at …?
  They usually ….
  The students talked about four holidays one by one. During their discussion, they were asked to write down some key points. And then the author summed up as follows:
  Spring Festival: eat a lot of delicious food, visit relatives and friends, spend time with their family and friends   Halloween: buy some masks and pumpkin lanterns, dress up in costumes, go to parties
  Children’s Day: have parties at school, sing and dance
  New Year’s Day: go to parties, have a big lunch with their family
  Task 3: Practice the sentences What did you do last …? I …. by playing a game.
  In this period, students were asked to practice the sentences by playing a game. The author gave them five numbers and behind every number, there was a name of holiday. Different holidays correspond to different activities. Students had an oral practice with their partners using these sentences:
  What did you do last…?
  I ….
  Task 4: Consolidation the above sentences by making a dialogue
  To consolidate the above sentences, the author gave the module of the dialogue, and asked students to make a dialogue with their partners. Students chose one of the holidays to practice these sentences with their partners. Three minutes later, two or three pairs of them were chosen to act their dialogues.
  A: When’s …?
  B: It’s in ….
  A: What do people usually do at/on …?
  B: They usually ….
  A: What did you do last …?
  B: I ….
  5. Reflecting the task with a focus on writing
  In this step, the author gave them a table, and they were asked to write some information about four holidays from three aspects:
  Dates People’s activities Your activities
  Spring Festival
  New Year’s Day
  Children’s Day
  The whole lesson ended up with soft music.
  All the above were the design of this lesson. The character of this lesson was interactive and lively. In order to motivate students’ interest of learning English, the author gave a clever combination of knowledge points and pictures, videos and music. Because it was the first time for them to touch this kind of topic, the author prepared an interesting PPT and believed that students would have great interest in the topic.
罗勇林,1 994年生,黑龙江工程学院计算机专业大三学生.他自认为是一位“骨子里的创业者”,也曾经疯狂浮躁过,期待能像余佳文他们一样,获得千万投资,实现“一夜暴富”.而今,他
【摘要】英语课堂教学的导入,犹如乐曲中的“引子”,戏剧中的“序幕”,起着酝酿情绪、集中注意、渗透主题和带入情境的作用。导入的成功与否,直接关系到一节课的成功与否。本文根据新课程的任务和内容,初中学生的年龄特征和心理需求,利用各种教学媒体、文中插图,尝试运用不同的导入方法,以其达到比较好的教学效果。  【关键词】课堂导入 导入原则 导入方法 误区  课堂导入是课堂教学的主要环节之一,是教学艺术的第一