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金城街道位于济宁市城区西北部,现有18个社区(村),总面积4.75平方公里,总人口7.7万人。近年来,金城街道党工委、办事处在区委、区政府的正确领导下,紧紧依靠街道广大干部群众,按照“招商引资、培植税源、促进就业、保持稳定、加快发展”的工作思路,以“建设经济强街道,打造和谐新金城”为目标,强抓机遇,迎难而上,三个文明建设齐头并进,社会各项事业蓬勃发展。2005年上半年,金城街道共完成固定资产投资1.8亿元,引进培植7个过千万元项目,其中过亿元项目1个,实际利用外资73万美元,骨干企业实现税收占上半年街道实际完成总量的60%以上,地方财政收入实现了1093.8万元,完成总量列市中区第一位,在济宁市155个乡镇和街道中位居第10位。 回首过去,我们充满胜利的喜悦;展望未来,我们满怀必胜的信心。今后,我们将进一步营造人心思上、团结和谐、求真务实、争创一流的浓厚氯围,团结带领广大干部群众进一步解放思想,同心同德,拼搏实干,把金城建设得更加美丽和谐富强! Jincheng Street is located in the northwest Jining City, the existing 18 communities (villages), with a total area of ​​4.75 square kilometers, with a total population of 77,000 people. In recent years, Jincheng Street Party committees and offices under the correct leadership of the district party committee and district government, closely rely on the broad masses of cadres and the masses of the streets, in accordance with the work guideline of “attracting investment, cultivating tax sources, promoting employment, maintaining stability and accelerating development” , With the goal of “building an economically viable street and building a harmonious new town”, seizing the opportunity and facing difficulties. The three civilizations go hand in hand, and all social undertakings flourish. In the first half of 2005, Jincheng Subdistrict completed a total investment of 180 million yuan in fixed assets and introduced 7 projects worth over 10 million yuan, of which 1 billion yuan was a project and the actual utilization of foreign capital was 730,000 U.S. dollars. The tax revenue of key enterprises accounted for the first half of the year The streets actually completed more than 60% of the total, and the local financial revenue realized 10.938 million yuan, ranking No. 1 in the middle of the total list and No. 10 in 155 towns and streets in Jining. Looking back on the past, we are filled with the joy of victory; looking ahead, we are full of confidence to win. In the future, we will further create a thick chlorine circle of people thinking, uniting and harmonious, seeking truth and being pragmatic, and giving top-notch cooperation. We will unite and lead the cadres and masses to further emancipate their minds, work in solidarity and work hard, and build a more beautiful and prosperous Jincheng!
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ACh 一般储存于胆碱纯神经元的囊泡中,分子量小,缺乏抗原性,而且不稳定。要制得抗ACh 的抗体,首先必须建立起一套克服ACh 分子化学结构上的缺陷的免疫学方法。Geffard 等为