
来源 :理财 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwolffcn
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理财:人生就像一场探险,很多人开始了并不一定能坚持下去。艺术创作也是如此,有很多人开始,却很少人能成为艺术家。许老师,您是如何坚持一直走到现在,并取得这些成就的?许砚清:事实上,事成必有恒心。现实中,有太多的人因为许多原因,开始了,却半途而废了,一方面可能是没有经济做基础,另一方面也不乏有些人看别人搞字画,就想去尝试一下,结果发现自己不是这块料,随即就放弃了。我出生在农村贫寒的家庭,祖上没人从事书画职业,而我却从小喜欢画画。但是家境贫寒,尤其是家父因病早逝,都让我一度怀疑,自己应不应该继续走下去,我徘徊彷徨了很久,但最终还是下决心要把这条路走到底,决不放弃。在学艺的道路上,有坎坷,也有贵人相助。例如,在我27岁那年,我在绘画上取得了一点成绩,接到了陕西某报社吕婕女士的采访,她问我今 Money management: Life is like an adventure, and many people do not always go ahead. The same is true of artistic creation, where many people start, but few can become artists. Xu teacher, how do you insist to go all the way up to now and achieve these achievements? Xu Yanqing: In fact, things must be perseverance. In reality, there are too many people who started because of many reasons. They just came to an end. On the one hand, they may have no basis for economy. On the other hand, there are some people who want to try others if they look at other people’s paintings. They find that they are not This piece of material, then give up. I was born in a poor family in rural areas. No one in the ancestral family was engaged in calligraphy and painting. I like to draw pictures from an early age. However, the poor family, especially the untimely death of my father, made me suspect once and for all that I should not go on. I lingered for a long time, but eventually I decided to go this far and never give up. In the art of the road, there are ups and downs, but also elegant help. For example, at the age of 27, I made a little progress on the drawing and interviewed Ms. Lu Jie from a newspaper in Shaanxi Province. She asked me
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