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中西医结合治疗慢性肾功能衰竭,可以有效地延缓其病程的进展。其中及时纠治疾病增恶的可逆因素和合理的饮食营养疗法最为重要。中医辨证以正康为本,浊毒为标;治宜急则治标,缓则治本,或扶正泄浊,标本同治。扶正可用脾肾气虚方、肝肾阳虚方、肾虚方;泄浊可用和胃泄法方、温肾泄浊方、峻逐水湿方。近年来,又对中药无创性透析进行了研究,如尿毒净口服、中药灌肠、中药结肠灌洗、露头热水药浴等,丰富和发展了中医药疗法。此外,血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂调节肾小球内血流动力学异常,中药清除氧自由基等,也取得一定疗效。上述措施的综合运用,显著改善了慢性肾功能衰竭的预后。 Integrative Medicine in the treatment of chronic renal failure, can effectively delay the progress of its course. Among them, the reversible factors that promptly correct the increase and decrease of disease and the most reasonable diet and nutrition therapy are the most important. TCM is based on Zhengkang, cloud poisoning as the standard; rule of urgency is temporary standard, slow rule the cure, or Fuzheng Xie Zhu, specimens with the rule. Fuzheng Available spleen and kidney qi side, liver and kidney yang side, kidney square; Xiezhuo available and gastric leakage side, Wenshen Xiezhuo Fang, Jun water wet side. In recent years, non-invasive dialysis of traditional Chinese medicine has been studied, such as oral administration of uremic net, traditional Chinese medicine enema, traditional Chinese medicine colon irrigation, outcrop hot water bath, enriched and developed traditional Chinese medicine therapy. In addition, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors regulate glomerular hemodynamic abnormalities, Chinese medicine to clear oxygen free radicals, but also achieved a certain effect. The comprehensive utilization of the above measures has significantly improved the prognosis of chronic renal failure.