重新认识城市功能 深化城市改革宣传

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在城市改革全面展开,不断深入的新形势下,如何从宏观上把握一个城市,充分认识城市的多种功能,开拓报道视野,多侧面,多层次地深化城市改革的宣传,这是城市记者面临的一个重要课题。在近年来的新闻工作实践中,我们曾进行了一些初步的探索和尝试. 重新认识城市打开报道思路过去较长一段时间,我们在认识上把城市报道的路子看得很窄,要么就是眼睛只盯着一些有影响的厂矿企业,年初“开门红”,年中“双过半”,年末“创水平”,围着产值、利润和生产进度作文章;要么就是根据某一时期上面一个什么精神或某一项工作部 Under the new situation of urban reform in an all-round way and incessantly deepening, how to grasp a city macroscopically, fully understand the multiple functions of the city, open up the horizons of coverage, and deepen the propaganda of urban reform multi-sidedly and multi-levelly are the problems faced by urban reporters An important issue. In recent years, we have carried out some initial exploration and experiment in journalistic practice.Re-understanding of the city to open the idea of ​​the newspaper Over a longer period of time, we have narrowed our understanding of the city’s coverage of the road or just the eyes Staring at some influential factories and mines, beginning with “good start” in the beginning of the year, “double-half” in mid-year and “creating a level” by the end of the year. They wrote articles about the output value, profits and production progress, or according to what spirit or certain A working department
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