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在福建省南靖国有林场的小山城工区设置试验地 ,进行了麻竹林生态系统水文特征和养分动态研究。实验表明 :在一定降雨量级范围内 ,林冠截留量随着降水量的增加而增加 ,且较小雨量级时增加较快 ,较大雨量级时增加较慢 ,并趋于一定值 ;林冠截留量与一次性降雨量的关系可以用 Richards函数较好地拟合。由于雨季降雨量大 ,林冠截留、穿透水和茎流量都具有明显的季节性 ,穿透水和茎流量明显多于旱季 ,林冠截留率则明显小于旱季。全年林冠截留、穿透水和竹秆茎流量分别是 2 83.10、172 0 .4 5和 99.0 9mm。年均林冠截留率、穿透率和竹秆茎流率分别为 13.4 7% ,81.82 %和 4 .71%。在养分动态方面 ,在实验地分别实施全翻、带翻及扩穴 (即按农户常规土壤管理 ,每年 3月扩穴 ,不深翻 ) 3种不同的土壤垦复措施 ,结果显示全翻垦复措施地表径流的 N,P,K的流失量最大 ,其中又以中 K的流失量最大 (3.84 kg/ hm2 ) ,N,P,K的年流失量大小顺序为全翻 >带翻 >扩穴。就林地养分利用率而言 ,带翻是 3种措施中最高的为 2 1.2 2 % ,其次为全翻为 2 0 .4 6 % ,最小为扩穴 19.6 1% ,且 N、P和 K的年盈余量也是 3种措施中最少的 ,分别为 783.18kg/ hm2 ,12 0 .6 8kg/ hm2和 184 .5 0 kg/ hm2 ,所以带翻的经营方式 ,在带来最好的经? Experimental sites were set up in Xiaoshancheng district of Nanjing State-owned Forest Farm in Fujian Province, and the hydrological characteristics and nutrient dynamics of Mazhulin forest ecosystem were studied. Experiments show that within a certain range of rainfall, canopy interception increases with the increase of precipitation, and increases more rapidly at lower rainfall levels and slower at larger rainfall levels, and tends to a certain value. The relationship between the amount and the one-off rainfall can be better fitted by the Richards function. Due to the heavy rainfall in the rainy season, canopy interception, penetrating water and stem flow were significantly seasonal, penetrating water and stem flow significantly more than the dry season, the canopy interception rate was significantly less than the dry season. The annual canopy interception, penetration of water and bamboo stems flow were 2 83.10,172 0 .4 5 and 99.0 9mm. The average canopy interception rate, transpiration rate and bamboo stems flow rate were 13.47%, 81.82% and 4.71%, respectively. In terms of nutrient dynamics, three different methods of soil reclamation were carried out experimentally, namely full turn, strip turn and expand hole respectively (that is, according to conventional soil management of peasants, enlargement of hole in March each year, no deep turn-over) The results showed that the loss of N, P and K in surface runoff was the largest. Among them, the amount of annual loss in middle K was 3.84 kg / hm2 and that of N, P, K was in the order of full turn> hole. In terms of the nutrient utilization rate of forestland, the highest of the three measures was 2 1.2 2%, followed by 20.46% of the total and 19.6 1% of the minimum, and N, P and K The annual surplus is also the least among the three measures, namely 783.18kg / hm2, 120.88kg / hm2 and 184.500kg / hm2, respectively.
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