
来源 :长江流域资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuchenyk
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长江流域具有优越的区位条件和良好的经济基础,改革开放后城市化水平大幅提高,目前该流域的城市格局正处于由传统的封闭型工业生产城市向经济型、开放型和以第三产业为主转变,单体城市也开始向相互依托、相互发展的城市群体转变。本文分析和总结了长江流域城市发展的现状和存在的问题,如城市化滞后于工业化、城市规划同城市发展不相适应、城市建设资金投入不足和城市生态环境问题等。在此基础上重点对长江中下游地区城市21世纪发展提出了6点见解:①确定符合国情的城市发展目标;②依据区域性规划加强城市间的分工与协作;③增强城市总体规划的科学性;④提高中心城市的管理与组织功能;⑤深入研究城市间、城市与乡镇间用地资源的再分配问题;⑥重视节约与保护水资源问题。 The Yangtze River basin has superior geographical conditions and a good economic foundation. After the reform and opening up, the urbanization level has been greatly increased. At present, the urban pattern of the basin is in the process of being transformed from a traditional closed industrial production city to an economical, open and tertiary industry The main changes, single cities also began to rely on each other, the development of mutual transformation of urban groups. This paper analyzes and summarizes the status quo and existing problems of urban development in the Yangtze River basin, such as urbanization lags behind industrialization, incompatible urban planning with urban development, insufficient urban construction investment and urban ecological environment. On this basis, we put forward six suggestions on the development of cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in the 21st century: ①Determining the urban development goals that fit the national conditions; ②Improving the division of labor and coordination among cities according to the regional planning; ③ Enhancing the scientificness of urban master plans ; ④ improve the central city’s management and organizational functions; ⑤ in-depth study of the redistribution of land resources between cities, cities and townships; ⑥ emphasis on conservation and protection of water resources.
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