【摘 要】
“In today’s world, culture and economy and politics are interwoven with each other and their position and role in the competition for comprehensive national strength are becoming more and more prominent.” As the report of the party’s 16th National Congress pointed out. Since the 1990s, the new situation of social development both at home and abroad shows that ideological and spiritual cultural issues have played an increasingly prominent role in development. The problems of culture and culture are of strategic importance that can not be underestimated in the social and historical development of the world today. In fact, many of the domestic and international affairs we deal with are not only related to politics and economy, but are also becoming more and more culturally relevant. when
一 一头驴幻想着变成人,它割掉自己的尾巴后,问周围的驴:“现在我像个人了吧?” “差一点,你还应该把耳朵剪下来。”其他驴回答说。 “这好办。现在我变成人了吧?” “还差点,你还缺双鞋和领带。” ……不管怎样,这头驴在驴群里有了名声,因为它差一点就变成了人。 如果想要证明自己,就不要怕“还差一点”。 二 某人弄到个钥匙坠,并把自己的钥匙全都挂在了上面。结果他的钥匙不是一个一个地弄
●Help yourself to...随便吃一点……该句型常用来劝客人吃菜/饭,语气间透着主人公的热情好客。Help yourself to some fish,please.请随便吃一点鱼。Please help yourself
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