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近年来,随着社会上性病患病率的上升,严重危害人民的身体健康,为控制狱内性病的流行,1993年3月~1998年3月,我们与烟台某医院有关医务工作者,共同对该狱内的性犯罪人员进行采样检测调查,报告如下。1 材料与方法 选择刚押送入狱的性犯罪人员为调查对象,用棉签深入尿道 3~4 cm转动取分泌物,置于 10 ml无菌生理盐水试管中,用淋球菌PCR诊断试剂盒检验;尖锐湿疣,取小片疣组 In recent years, with the rising prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases in the community, seriously endangering the health of the people, in order to control the prevalence of STDs in prison, from March 1993 to March 1998, we worked with medical workers in a hospital in Yantai Sexual crimes officers in the prison sampling test survey, the report is as follows. MATERIALS AND METHODS Choosing the sexual criminals who just jailed for imprisonment as the survey subjects, swab the secretions with a cotton swab 3 to 4 cm deep into the urethra, placing them in 10 ml sterile saline test tubes and testing with the Neisseria gonorrhoeae PCR diagnostic kit; Condyloma acuminatum, small pieces of warts group
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Antibiotic micro-pollution is usually found at the ng/L-level in drinking water sources or discharge water of wastewater treatment plants.In this study,a novel
要使量天尺在高寒的东北地区安全越冬,应围绕温度、阳光和水分三个环节采取措施。具体要注意以下六点: 1.夏秋期间,要尽量使量天尺始终保持壮实,表皮呈深绿色。不能干瘪,不
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