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内功一词源于医学,其内涵即是人们体内各器官潜在的功力。这里借用于企业的“内功”则指企业的素质和竞争能力的潜在。而企业的素质和竞争能力又靠企业的基础管理来练就,即靠以质量、工艺为中心的技术质量基础管理,靠以内部核算、“功效”挂钩为中心的经济基础管理,靠以人事劳动、职工教育为中心的人事基础管理,以及以三个基础管理为基石的大力优化产品质量、降低产品成本,缩短产出期等等来练就。因此,本文着重研究如何通过加强企业的基础管理来练好企业的“内功”,引导企业走出“低谷”,提高经济效益。 The term internal strength comes from medicine. Its meaning is the potential power of various organs in people’s bodies. The “internal strength” borrowed from enterprises here refers to the potential of the company’s quality and competitiveness. The quality and competitiveness of the enterprise depends on the basic management of the enterprise, that is, the management of quality based on quality and technology as the center, and the management of the economic foundation relying on the internal accounting and “effect” link, relying on human resources. The basic management of personnel, centered on labor and employee education, and on the basis of the three basic management principles, vigorously optimize product quality, reduce product costs, and shorten the output period. Therefore, this article focuses on how to improve the company’s internal strength by strengthening the company’s basic management, guide the company to go out of the “low”, and improve economic efficiency.
随着新课程改革的进一步深入,自主、创新、拓展、实践、人文等关键词时时冲击着语文教师的心扉,震撼着他们的心灵。作业作为有效教学支撑的一种手段也必须着眼于学生的全 Wi
有不少小时候喜欢画画的孩子,在经过一段时间的“正规”学习后,往往拒绝再画。他们常常说的一句话就是:“我不会画!” There are quite a few children who like to draw. T
The 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) has been tested in many languages, but not in Chinese mainland. We aimed to assess the Chinese (mainland
不同导联的QT间期早已被发现存在差异 ,但一直被视为记录伪差所致 ,而未予重视。 1985年Campbell等[1] 发现这些差异存在一定的规律性 ,因而提出了QT离散度 (QTdispersion ,QTd)这一概念。直到 1990年才
目的探讨青年脑卒中的危险因素以及临床特点。方法 2006年1月至2009年12月共收治青年脑卒中62例(青年组),随机选择同期收治的152例脑卒中中的70例老年患者(老年组)做比较。所
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
急性有机磷农药中毒(Acute organophosphoruspesticide poisoning,AOPP)是常见内科急症,重度AOPP可发生中间综合征(Inter mediate syndroms,IMS),是导致AOPP死亡的重要原因