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甜蜜的硝烟——糖果行业打响品牌战役糖果企业在发展进程中,一直处于不温不火的态势中,糖果企业数量繁多,耳熟能详的品牌也不胜枚举,但是却只停留在区域市场,没有出现全国范围内主导市场的强势品牌。据统计,我国糖果企业现有2000多家,其中年销售额500万元以上的企业230家,在糖果市场“十强”的排名中,前七位均为外资或中外合资的企业,糖果行业处于内忧外患的严峻形势之下:一方面,如美国箭牌和爱芬、意大利不凡帝等一些早期进入中国市场的外资企业,运用他们雄厚的资金实力,成熟的品牌管理经验,大九蚕食中国的糖果消费市场。另一方面,国内竞争日趋白热化:后来居上的雅客、金冠等南方沿海一代的新生力量咄咄逼近,同时还有资产达5个多亿、实现跨越式发展的国家级乡镇企业集团金丝猴、老牌国企冠生园等奋力争夺,种种迹象表明,糖果业已进入品牌竞争的营销阶段,驶入品牌提升的快速车道。 Sweet smoke - the candy industry started the brand campaign Confectionery companies in the development process, has been in a tepid situation, a large number of confectionery companies, well-known brands are numerous, but only stay in the regional market, did not appear A leading brand in the country. According to statistics, there are more than 2,000 candy enterprises in our country, among which 230 are enterprises with annual sales of more than 5 million yuan. Among the top ten in the candy market, the top seven are all foreign-funded or Sino-foreign joint ventures, The confectionery industry is under the grim situation of domestic and foreign external troubles: on the one hand, some foreign-funded enterprises that earlier entered the Chinese market, such as the American Wrigley and Irfan, the Italian extraordinary emperor, used their abundant financial strength, mature brand management experience, China’s candy consumer market. On the other hand, the domestic competition has become more and more intense: the nascent forces of the southern coastal generation like Yackers and Golden Delicious who came from behind are getting closer to each other, and the state-owned township and town enterprise group Golden Monkey with more than 5 billion assets and leapfrog development, Health Park and other struggling to fight, there are indications that the candy industry has entered the marketing stage of brand competition, into the fast lane to enhance the brand.
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