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大中型企业经过国家“一五”至“七五”四十余年的建设及自身的投资建设和技术改造,大部分企业已拥有先进的技术水平和相当数量的生产线、机器、设备和厂房,具备了实力较为雄厚的物质技术基础,积蓄、贮备了大量人才。但由于传统的经济体制的约束,企业经营机制不灵,导致企业难以充分发挥优势,造成了技术投入不足,设备更新缓慢。因此,大中型企业发展高新技术,实施“一厂两制”,可以充分发挥现有固定资产的效能和人才的优势,加快企业技术设备更新步伐,增强企业活力。 l、“一厂两制”——发展高新技术,搞活大中型企业的突破口 “一厂两制”,就是在一个企业内实行两种不同的运行机制。其基本做法:在原企业(大中型企业)现有的物质技术和人才的基础上,分离出部分生产要素,进行优化组合,实施全新的运行机制,生产高新技术产品,形成独立核算的经济单位——“厂中厂”。 实施“一厂两制”,可以充分发挥国有大中型企业的国有资产和人才效能;加快科技成果转化为生产力的进程;使高新技术产品尽快实现产业化并占领市场;改变传统产品结构,带动传统产业结构的调整;辐射、渗透乃至转换大中型企业的经营机制,成为搞活大中型企业的突破口。 Large and medium-sized enterprises have passed the national “1st-5th” and “7th” years of more than 40 years of construction and their own investment and technological transformation. Most enterprises have advanced technology and a considerable number of production lines, machinery, equipment and factories. With a solid material technology base, it has accumulated and stocked a large number of talents. However, due to the constraints of the traditional economic system, the operating mechanism of the enterprise is not working, resulting in difficulties for enterprises to give full play to their advantages, resulting in insufficient technical input and slow equipment upgrades. Therefore, large and medium-sized enterprises developing high-tech and implementing the “one factory and two systems” can give full play to the efficiency of existing fixed assets and the advantages of talents, accelerate the pace of technological equipment updates, and enhance the vitality of enterprises. l. “One factory and two systems” - breakthroughs in developing high technology and invigorating large and medium-sized enterprises “One factory, two systems” means that two different operating mechanisms are implemented in one enterprise. Its basic approach: Based on existing material technologies and talents of former enterprises (large and medium-sized enterprises), separate some of the production factors, carry out optimization and combination, implement a new operating mechanism, produce high-tech products, and form economic units for independent accounting - - “Factory factory”. Implementation of “one factory and two systems” can give full play to the state-owned assets and talents of state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises; accelerate the process of transforming scientific and technological achievements into productive forces; enable high-tech products to realize industrialization as soon as possible and occupy the market; change the structure of traditional products and promote traditional The adjustment of the industrial structure; the radiating, infiltrating, and even conversion of the operating mechanisms of large and medium-sized enterprises have become breakthroughs in invigorating large and medium-sized enterprises.
摘 要:通过对企业集团体制改革给工程档案管理模式带来一系列挑战的分析,提出以思维集团化为理念,工程档案管理工作标准化为基础、信息化建设为支撑,建立科学的工程档案管理模式,以实现工程档案管理与工程项目建设同步发展。  关键词:工程档案管理模式 企业集团 信息化  中图分类号:G275 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-3973(2013)012-286-02  随着信息化的迅猛发展,国内企业集团为
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