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哈利·波特的“粉丝”们都知道,在第二集《哈利·波特与密室》中。由于能够听懂蛇的语言,哈利被怀疑是传说中邪恶力量——伏地魔的后嗣,哈利本人对自己的身份也深感困惑。而魔法学校校长邓不利多给哈利这样一句忠告:“决定我们成为谁的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。”哈利进入魔法学校之初,魔法帽就曾经建议他选择邪恶巫师辈出的斯莱特林学院,而哈利自己选择进入代表勇气、毅力和友谊的格兰芬多学院。虽然哈利身上带有邪恶的力量,但由于他选择了正义之路,决定他最后成为了像他父母那样受人尊敬的正 Harry Potter “fans ” We all know, in the second episode “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” Due to its ability to understand the language of the snake, Harry was suspected to be the legendary evil force - heir to Voldemort, who himself was deeply confused. And the headmaster of the school of magic, Dumbledore, gave Harry such an advice: “It’s not our ability to decide who we are, but our choice.” Harry entered the school of magic and magic caps had suggested that he choose Slytherin College, where wicked wizardry comes in, and Harry chooses to enter the Gryffindor Institute itself, representing courage, perseverance and friendship. Although Harry had wicked power, because he had chosen the path to justice, he finally decided to be as respectable as his parents
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